Fire and Ash image reveals new Jamesesheims Cameron “Anti-Pandora”

Despite the epic size of the two Avatar films so far, we barely scratched the surface of what Pandora's Paradise moon offers. The original record film in 2009 Avatar Mostly it took place in the tropical jungles of the Natiri clan (Zoe Saldasha), while the highly awaited "Water Water" continued the action and significantly shifted the action and explored the huge water -based culture of Metkaina. You may have guessed where I was going with this so far. The upcoming Trickel, entitled "Avatar: Fire and Ash", is scheduled to expand the home to Navi. This time, we will change the premises again and visit a region as extremely alien as we have seen an "anti-panel" that houses the mysterious, firefighting people known as Klan Mangvan.

We recently got a first glance at a wind driving clan and a colorful figure that leads them, shown by David TevlisBut we have never seen the plains that are in the ashes that their fiery colleagues appear at home ... until now. Empire There is a teaspoon of a new location known as the village of Ash, which cannot be further removed from the beautiful environments and the flowing landscapes we spent all the time before. According to all accounts, this was done to evoke a very specific cataclysm that forever changed na'vi affected by it. The magazine quotes production designer Dylan Cole, who further explained the backstew:

"(Mangavan) had a natural disaster, and that species helped shape their culture. So much of the world of Pandora is rich and picturesque and full of life - this is exactly the opposite."

You can check an exciting piece of concept art that shows the village of Ash below!

In Avatar: Fire and Ash, people in the fire have more in common with Akeekee and Nonitiri than you think

Be sure to make director Jameseims Cameron proud and bring your Encyclopedia to Pandora with you while watching "Avatar: Fire and Ash" in cinema later this winter. With so many years separating one movie "Avatar" from another, it can be difficult to follow everything that has already been discovered for the next one to come. For example, We know that a nasty clan manguan is intended to be an antagonistic force It interferes with all our prejudice that everyone's habit is good and all people are bad in this world. But as much as this new wild card can challenge Akeejk Suli (Sam Worthton), Nemiti and the rest of Metkaine's "Water Road" survivors, Cameron and his creative team also do not want to forget that even And their differences are rooted in a common theme.

The Empire article continues to mention a fascinating lump of information about the village of Ash. Despite taking roots in what seems to be amazed to form with nothing but ash and dead trees that surround it, obviously even these habits have ever had a massive, living "Hometra" in the center of their home. This is the same sacred place that has helped turn the human ake aqueon into his form of avatar in the first film, while also Fuels countless parenting theories around the young Curry (secure Waver) in "Water Road". Now, we see the domestic tree with which Mangvan once had such a tight connection - or whatever it remains, at least. As Dylan Cole said, "They lived not too different on Omatika (Nematiri's clan) from Avatar 1."

With so long waiting ahead of us, we are sure that we will get even more opportunities than the next Cameron blockbuster in the coming months. "Avatar: Fire and Ash" will hit theaters (and will probably break even more records) on December 19, 2025.

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