Crisi tagen Is not here for the haters of the breach During his family bath - and there is no quality to call them.
39 -year -old Tagen uploaded a handful of family photos to him Instagram শনিবার, 8 ফেব্রুয়ারি, "বাহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহহ।
In the first photo, Tagen's son Miles, 6, daughter Esti, 2, and son Ren, pose a bathtub with 19 months, all of whom he shared With the husband LegendThe (Tagen and legend, 46, also share the older daughter Luna, 1)
Tigen's sweet family photo soon published a fan question about why crawling founder was "always in the dirty bath water".
"It is a coconut milk bath for sensitive skin but leave," Tagen returned to the comment section by denying imagination.
Although Tagen did not address online criticism further, he and the legend both accepted them Skincare routines are very Seriously.

"Something Occurs indescribable to your skin (After having a baby). My skin cannot be as sensitive as it is now. I used to go to the city with chemicals and drainage, "he told Refinery 29 in 2019. Dr. Jason DiamondThe These are great, but it doesn't need to be a daily part of my routine. It is important to have a regular routine that is not aggressive or rigid on the skin ”" "
Legends, for her, even as a jokely vampire, since fans often think of her The skin is the same as Throughout the year.
"I heard vampire rumors! This is definitely not true, but I take care of my skin, “the winner of arrogance Has been mentioned exclusively Our weekly In June 2019. I think I probably have blessed with some good genes as well as my parents have skin. "
The legend is now passing its best techniques to fans after its Skincare brand, launch 1 in 2023.

"When you are a child, you are taught to keep the shower and lotion in your body," He said Cut 2023 in January. "As a black man we are always concerned about being ash. We had Vaseline, we had all the lotions, but I think no one knows us that we can lose moisture faster than everyone else."
He added "As a singer I always think I drink a lot of water and kill two birds with a stone with a rest because I'm helping my voice and skin" "
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