Why Ryan Gosling replaced George Clooney in the notebook

Now, we know what you are thinking. There is a very adult gap between George Clooney and Ryan Gosling, so it's no wonder the creatives behind the "notebook" went to the other hand by throwing a younger starvation opposite Rachel McDams in a movie that, for many, is like cutting onions for 121 minutes . The truth is, however, the script for the "notebook" has been making circles in Hollywood for years before making stars from its waters. In fact, initially, Clooney (actor nominated for an Oscar and Oscar -maker) was thrown into Gosling's role like Noah Calhun, the boy on the other side of the tracks that attracts Ali Hamilton's attention (the part that eventually went Mac Adams). However, iteration, Clooney has become too cautious about the shoes that will partially fill when he learns that he is considered an older version of Noah: the legend of the big screen Paul Manumman.

In an interview with 2020 Fun weeklyClooney revealed that he was once okay to act in what would be considered one of The greatest romantic movies of all time. "I was supposed to make a movie years ago called" Notebook ", which actually did Ryan Gosling and I had to do it with Paul Manumman," Clooney explained. "I played retrospectives and Paul Manumman was the old man." However, after much sightseeing, Clooney could not skim a big question he saw properly in the eye. It was the fact that Paul Manumman was too big a deal and a big deal with blue eyes.

George Clooney lowered the notebook before Ryan Gosling to pick up

After talking to his potential co-Starvist, Clooney concluded that if he could not exceed the limited similarity between him and Manumman, the audience was not likely. "Paul and I talked about it, and we sat there one day and watched and I went," I can't make this movie, Paul, "Clooney recalls. "He was like. 'Why?' I was like, 'because everyone knows what you look at 30 years old. And he's like, "I guess you're right." ""

Therefore, the decision was made. "We have been rescued and I think 10 years later they did it," Clooney said, leaving Gosling and his older screen, Jameseyms Garner, to take it instead and lead the "notebook" to become a hit in the process. .

It is nothing new for the Starsvales to sit, stew and eventually split from a project if they do not sit properly with them. Some even get fired during recording Because things just don't click, and this could have been easily similar. To rejoice only Clooney has refused and left what has become a role in defining a career for his replacement. Who knows? Without him, we may have missed the memes of Gosling, Kenegia and A movie led by Gosling, too.

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