What was for King Charles and Stanley Tuki's dinner: menu

King Charles Third and Stanley Tuki kept what for dinner
Ben Birchol - Wlupa Pool/Getty Figure

King Charles Third And Queen Camilla Hosted Stanley Ay Star Studied Dinner On Friday, February 7, their hygrov house estate-and menu was watching mouth water.

Eat with the king and Queen Tuki, David And Victoria Beckham, Helen Miren And Maria Grazia LambertiniItalian ambassador to the UK before the couple's state visit in Italy in April.

The menu made chefs for the evening Francesco And Buckingham Palace was issued in a press release, inspired by a renowned dietary piece Our weeklyThe

See the whole menu here:


  • Rare "salami" is rare and pasture
  • Taskan Style's stomach and koppa
  • Yorkshire pecorino cheese puffs
  • British vegetable Caponata Tartelleta


  • Scottish crab
  • Westcomb
  • Hygrov Fine Herbs Ravioli
  • Isle of Wit Tomato Passata
  • Porchita
  • Pumpkin and agE six mash
  • Tasakan


"Italian cuisine traditions are made using the entire British elements mixed with the Taha and local taste, the menu is fully embodied," the press notice, referring to the slow food movement, which was created to promote good and durable practices.

The king said that the foods are the ones who join the forces. "Good food combines people and what we like to eat helps to define our family, community and nation," Charles said in a speech during dinner.

“It brings us to the nourishment, but also comforts us. It binds the generation, as the recipes go down from one to the other. It's a beauty thing - 'edible industry', as you left it, Stanley! And I know that it supplies - as it suspiciously this evening - every Italian family is an endless fascination and discussion around the dinner table, "he added.

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