Resurfaced videos Bow Wow talks to Kiyomi Leslie

Whew! Rooms, do you remember between drama Bow wow And now a former girlfriend, Kiyomi Leslie? Well, the footage of the 2019 home conflict has come out, and shows the bow wow next to the story.

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Resurfaced Video discusses Bow Wow with Kiyomi Leslie

For context, both wow wow (turning aka) and Kiyomi Leslie, earlier Leslie Holden, arrested after physical alteration. Kiyomi accused him of the moss for being violent, but he claimed that he was "Balicistic". Both released the battery and released a $ 8,000 bond.

He shared the 2019 Clip Kern Kidd, the moss said Kiyomi pulled out the lamp and hit him. As he talked to an officer, he did anything, pointing his face and said it was a kiyomi to Kiyomi. "And I got witnesses from all houses. He removed things and took the arch!" Rapper says in the clip.

The actor "Lottery Card" also said he asked Kiyomi to the rebound, but he didn't. "I told you that you have to say, and I wasn't going to f ***** g." He said he added: "No, you will leave my house now." The boron also said that the officer did not face until late. When he did, he was scratched and thought he was crazy.

Shadow Moss speaks after the incident and expressed his innocence

He returned in 2019, Folk Arch wow was talking about arresting Kiyomi attack. His lawyer threw a statement that he was misbelated.

"Shad Bow Wow Moss was first arrested in the morning, after being beaten without control of women's control, Mrs. Leslie Holden, in a condomy of Atlanta," BOW Lawyers.

Kiyomi reacts three years later

Kiyomi Leslie returned to viral events three years later in Angela Yeera's "lipstick in a conversation." In Convo, Lesbe said he wanted all his exes, and if things worked with the bow, they would be together Hotnewhiphop. "Yes. If we don't go to jail, we'd be here, I'm sure."

"I learned that. I don't want to promote this to women, but that's for me, because I went to jail," I asked Kiyomi. "

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