Lisa Vandarpump exploded in Kristen Dow after James Kennedy's DV arrest

Cristane is dead

Lisa Vandarpump exploded in Kristen Dow after James Kennedy's DV arrest

Cristane is dead Is slaming Lisa Vandarpump About his controversial comments James Kennedy's Domestic Violence arrest, calling Beverly Hill Real Housewives The former for the serious situation to downplay!

Cristane is dead

A day later Lisa Vandarpump, 64, that proposed that James His then girlfriend “did not hurt”, Allies Levbar, 29, after the December party, Christen41, took Instagram To make the call Liser The comments are "absolutely and hatefully diabolic."

He has posted a screenshot Liser Interview with Our weekly, Where Lisa Comments that James And Ally “Both are ridiculous and arguing”, adds it Ally "To teach him a lesson" and how the event has grown now is "regret".

Lisa Vandarpump

In another post, ChristenWith whom there is a history James Since they were once romantically involved, he spoke of his anger Liser Decrease the situation. “I will never be right with this constant abuse-capable behavior. Not only the truth, but also the feelings make me sick in my stomach to dare to dumb, " Christen Written

He added, "To every woman survived from DV, I was not trusting or supported, I am very sorry."

Lisa Vandarpump

Christen Has been vocal about its impact James'Arrested on his own healing journey. He had earlier shared a post about shipping, finally wrote "" and described the situation as "trigger" in his podcast.

He explained, "Think about the many moments I lived, and it all triggers very much." Christen Alike also expands the support, "I hope you have all the support you deserve."

Cristane is dead

The excitement of running around James'Continue to continue the arrest continues in the drama Vandarpump Cast fans are eagerly awaiting the return of the valley for his second season, hoping to premiere in Bravo next months.

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