Dorit Camesle revealed that he was blinded by PK's nine-page email and was terrified!

Dorit Camesle

Dorit Camesle revealed that he was blinded by PK's nine-page email and was terrified!

Dorit Camesle The new lighting is being lit PK's "Scary" is the threat of custody and surprisingly not page email, his claim about being his bad father is walking behind Rhor- However, he admitted that he was completely "blind".

Dorit Camesle

Feb 4 Rhobh: After the show, Dorit Rewrite the sensitive moment when he condemned PK's Parenting, explaining that his verdict was cloudy by the intense emotion he was feeling at that time. "When you have a difficult time, you are going through different emotions and at that moment, I just got a solid, nine page email. It was not just blind. It was, 'Who are you?' Who is this person? "" " Dorm Explanation.

"You start the question about everything."

Dorit Camesle

Left the contents of the email with threats related to custody Dorm Shocked and scared. "I don't know what he is capable. I don't know what he will do, "he said continued.

"He mentioned there that I never believe in a million years that he would come out of his mouth. And what is it in front of me? And when you're already in the dark and then you can actually go to a place where you think that perfect is the worst, it can be a mother-influenced AF place ""

Dorit Camesle

When asked PK Was a “good father” Dorm Initially said "no" but later clearly said, “What do I think PK Bad Dad? No, not at all. I think he is a good father? Yes, I do. Really "

When he acknowledged PK Not most parents, he still believes that their children are lucky to have him. Reflects his harsh words, Dorm Confessed that he regrets for them the next day, especially after receiving the nine-page email PKWhich he describes against any other communication from him.

Dorit Camesle

"I have never received a threat email before," he said, saying that they had never been in the face of this national custody even though they had discussed money before. “When I fought I was bitter, threatened, you know, the moments of moments and emails of the moment. Never like it. "

ElderIn After the show, Consultation Dorm To rely on its instinct, especially when it comes PK's The threat “like it, trust them for the first time. No need for the second time, they threatened for the first time, trust them, "he said.

Dorit Camesle

Beverly Hills Real Housewives Continue at 8/7C on Tuesday BravoAs Dorm Navigates the complex emotions of its isolation PK And results from their exciting exchange.

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