Season 2 "Pictures Game" followed the global phenomenon with a darker, bloody season that armed the audience's closeness to the story and almost made me regret that I once wanted more than the show. Even if we had some characters that were easier to take root and follow them than one season, somehow we had some even more disgusting players at the games.
Among them is Tanos (Joey Seung-Hiun, also known as the top), One of the best new characters of Season 2 of Squid Game And a funny chaos Gremlin. Tanos is a former rapper who has lost all the money investing in crypto and now desperately wants the games to continue until the cash prize is big enough that he can actually pay off his bills. He is a big part of the biggest change this season, the new dynamics in which Players should vote at the end of each round On whether they want to extend the games for greater profit (and greater body counting) or to separate current profits and leave with their lives.
Thanos has accepted the madness of the games from the beginning, emitting embarrassing rap bars on the occasion of trying to look cool, flirting with every girl in the game - even after they start killing - and always advocating more rounds and more dead bodies. Oh, and Tanos also accidentally switched to English once in a while.
During the video behind the scenes for NetflixJoey was talking about making Thanos deliberately bad at speaking English to sound more crunching. "This man has never been in the states or has taken English language lessons. I was told that his English excuse should not be too good, "Joey said, explaining that he mistakenly promoted the words because" kind of work would be funny for foreign viewers, so I used my imagination to set the details. "
Thanos is intended to be worthy of crunching
We all know there is a lot of "squid play" that is lost in the translationAnd season 2 is no different. According to Joey, he wanted Thanos to "make viewers feel uncomfortable and insecure whether they considered him disturbing or crunching", so he used outdated and exaggerated gestures, as well as specific Korean phrases that are old -fashioned for the age of Thanos to He informs that he is a rapper stuck in his youth, the around the 2000s. This makes the character funny in a pretty pathetic way, which also helps sell his shockingly fast -paced death in a bath brawl.
As for English phrases, this is not new. Many bilinguals around the world throw English words or phrases mixed in another language to sound cool, sarcastic or funny. We do that in English as well, when we mix with French words to sound pretentious, especially when we misplaced the words terribly or with excessive accent. It is no different from someone who says they are going to the Target store, but call it "Tar-Ja". It's a shame when we do it too!
Tanos may be gone, but his spirit of chaotic rebellion, a terrible disregard for human life, the greed above all that lives.
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