Lil Scrappy Bambi Bambi explodes for rioters and daughters

What a Turn! Lil scrappy was moved to social media to chew Bambi more than his 19-year-old daughter Anvor. He shared some graphic and warm insults for his ex-wife while talking to fans. It seems to be that Five-year father Bam caused him by revealing and does not apologize Erica Dixondaughter.

Related: Erica Dixon and Momma Dee Bambi gave him, 18, answered, calling "That Lady" (video)

Lil Scrappy Activated what he had in Bambi

In July 2023, Bambi called his former child and mother, Erica Dixon. Emani allegedly referring to "that lady." In his boat, Bam said Erica, "persecution ... and two divide" he said he complained.

"Now Pipe TF down and show your baby after giving a sense of that lady, all these times Bambi said dragged. At the time, he joined the giving and denied his mother-in-law. He also pointed his fingers in Bam, calling or cleaning his daughter's hair or washing. If you didn't know it, BAM and Scrappy shares three children together! Erica and Momma Dee also weighed, with his Majesty Bambi's mother "tag wh * re" calling. BAM apologies for how he reacted how he reacted "Andre" comments, but he did not determine anyone in his expression.

Related: Bambi apparently apologized for Barbei Erica Dixon and says "Emotionally answered" Erica

Fast forward. The status focus returned to the 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta' after the new scene, chatting with Bambi's friend, Sierra Gates, Erica ShakiraThe youngest of Scrappy, at Shakira baby shower. After sharing the doors, BAM manages turns Fifth Baby NewsDixon brought her and scrap 19 year old.

"... Must be the same meeting, it's over with the given and apologized lying," Dixon said. "It's been an elephant that has been in the room for a long time."

Gates ensured that he would bring the subject BAM. In the confessional scene, his mother doubled the bear.

"The whole thing to give and Bambi happened a few years ago, but I don't care how long it was; Bambi certainly begs for an apology for Dixon said.

What happened with Bambi, the three mothers were Erica Dixon's "grain" and then went on it! In his rent, Bam also said Erica or Shakira is trying to be fresh.

"What for? B *** HK Fuck shouldn't ask for F ** King Y'all None. And if you want F ** king smoke. We can be" Bambi said.

Scrappy calls his ex-wife from his name in a warm response

As mentioned, Scrappy was not felt comments on the Sneak Wives of the VH1 series and began to go to social networks. The scrap repeatedly called "fake bambi".

"Like, B *** Fake Hizu ** Ker, you have a fake person. And no, you don't apologize to my daughter n *** a, but don't let anyone do that. I knew that sh * t cuz. I would never marry that. I never married your p * nk. You're lying from a child. You're Sucka. "

Scrappy then shouted Erica Dixon, "A real" is not a fake for Instagram or TV.

"I apologize for all things I said negative. Some things were real, but the majority * t, I was crazy for what I was at the moment. But that's the real person."

Slide to see all the footage below. Erica Dixon, give and Bambi must still weigh!

Related: Clock? Erica Dixon shares the message after Bambi separates the "Baby Mama" about Lil Scrappy (video)

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