Down Down Under Captain Jason hints at the bottom to shoot 3 seasons

Captain Jason Chambers The law is keeping the law during its 3 season The bottom of the deck at the bottomThe

With an exclusive interview with Our weeklyJason, 52, has tied that everyone is not in the boat to the last. “I do Cut some cancerThe No Pang is intended that I have just cut Melanoma, "he said." But I get to the top of some things - whether it is finished or not - you have to wait and see. "

Jason later Obviously "friction" acknowledged This season is between Chief Steu and Bosun.

"Obviously, as a captain, I wouldn't think that it would be," he said. "I will actually think that I would be more concerned than the heads of the junior (members) who should actually be professional enough and can gain enough experience to be able to go through the obstacles that are there."

Down Under the biggest drama over the years

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The deck below has a fair portion of the drama for years - and the bottom deck is not different at the bottom. In March 2022, Peacock's premiere spinf show had a memorable impression on the audience when it came about conflicts, bullets and chaos. In the first season, fans and cast the same way (…)

Jason, despite his hope for this charter season, keeps higher Did not feel anything in the move When needed.

“If you see me in 1 and 2 season I am running all the positivity and the team themselves. I am not here to manage you micro. I came here to help, "He mentioned." Our last goal is to reach a point where we grow up, successful and give guests what they want. It is an easy task to follow, is it? "

Captain Jason hints at the bottom of the deck at the bottom of the 3 season to shoot someone
Fred Jagueno/Bravo

Monday, February 3 premiered season 3, Jason returned to Helme as well as Alam Chef And the cover of the cover Harry Van VotiateThe Newbiz Bosun joined them Wihan du toyetChief Stew LaraCover Johnny Arvanitis And Adyer WarleyStus Bryena Duffield And Marina Marcondes de Baros And sauce-shaf AnthonyThe

"I will not tolerate the head of the category by screaming each other," Jason told one of the crew. " Leave the rest of the season. “Here is an inherent in the negativity and to me it is an infection. I'm just going to cut the infection so you have to go. "

Where are they now under the bottom of the deck

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Bravo and peacock visitors were for a treat with the premiere underneath the deck below - many stars of the show put a permanent impression. The Spin -off series, which debuted in 2022, was featured below the former in the Mediterranean. Chief Stew Captain Jason Chambers and the rest of the group joined (…)

In the official trailer, a man was seen bribing the wall at night. So far no more details have been shared by the rest of the cast. There will be Also be the boat To unpack.

"We really had no romance in the last season, so you will be guaranteed," he said OursThe "However, this is a remote cruise this season. It's beautiful somewhere. It was easy to attract guests and it was in Africa for the first time. So it's something great and it spreads some of our wings - so I'm looking forward to it. "

Captain Jason hints at the bottom of the deck at the bottom of the 3 season to shoot someone
Fred Jagueno/Bravo

Jason has added that in real life, there will be "romance on the board" so it has made it since it went down to the show. : "It is important to understand that these franchises are trying to show the audience that it likes to work on the boat," he said. "We probably have a valuable charting of six or seven months in six weeks, so let's face it. ..." Let's enter it and see how it works. It really gives the audience a really good look how we're working. You want it to go to the distance. But fatigue is set and a few nights come out and we have seen in other franchises in the past that things don't last too long. "

The bottom of the deck at the bottom Bravo on Monday at 8 pm ET A Season 3 Premier. The new episodes flow on the peacock the next day.

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