Dorit says PK has sent his email to RHOBH about money and custody

Dorit says PK wrote an angry horrible 7 page about discussing its meaning and custody
Charles Cycs/Bravo; Axel/Bauer-Gangin/Filmmagic

Dorit Camesle Is apparently saved husband PK CamesleThe

“I woke up a seven -page email and it was a barrage. It was basically financial. His expectations were in one or two months that I would be responsible for all bills associated with the mortgage and home, "Dorit, 48, Tuesday, February 4, claims during the episode of the episode Beverly Hills Real HousewivesThe "Hefazat, lawyers and threats were also discussed, if it didn't happen, I would go ahead with divorce."

Dorit has revealed in a different episode this season that PK threatened during divorce during divorce A four -hour therapy sessionThe

While talking at a dinner with Kathy Hilton, Bozoma St. John And Erika jayne During Tuesday's episode, Dorit shared that it was a "truly frightening note" about meaning. He claimed "I will stop giving it and you are going to be responsible for it."

Robe Dorit Kamesle is hoping for PK Marriage update at 'more 6 months'

Related: Robe Dorit Kamesle is hoping for PK Marriage update at 'more 6 months'

Steve Granitz/Warrimage Beverly Hills Dormel Real Housewives PK is giving up a status update about her marriage. "আমরা ঠিক একই জায়গায় আমরা ঠিক একই জায়গায় দাঁড়িয়ে আছি," ডরিত (৪৮) মঙ্গলবার, January জানুয়ারী, আরএইচওবিএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচএইচ 3 জানুয়ারিতে যখন তাদের (…) ঘোষণা করার পরে তিনি কোথায় দাঁড়িয়েছেন তা জিজ্ঞাসা করার পরে বলেছিলেন

53 -year -old Erica suggests that Dorit gets a lawyer as the separation continues. (Dorit and PK have announced their separation In May 2024. They are 10 -year -old wake and daughter -in -law's father -in -law, 1)

"He's not a man that I recognize at all," Dorit also said that he was just before they had the "worst worst" of their marriage. Dorit explained that he didn't want people to "think badly" about PK. Now, however, he is saying for him.

“When PK and I decided to separate, we said we Going to take some timeWe are going to work on the annoyance and the things we have created for the past few years, "She complained somewhere else during dinner." I was very defensive in my husband, my family. "

Dorit says PK wrote an angry horrible 7 page about discussing its meaning and custody
Jesse Grant/Getty images are not toothless for the homeless

659 -year -old Kathy referred to PK as "very good father", Dorit clearly replied, "wrong".

Dorit Kemesle says that he and PK were truly threw out the ugly gross things at each other before the separation

Related: Robb's Dorit and PK have been insulted to 'truly ugly' to each other before being divided

Dorit Camesle provided more details about her and her isolated husband PK Kamesle Home Life before their separation - and how bad things really got among them. "The progress of the fight for me and PK ... here (it) is really poisonous," Dorit (1) said on Tuesday, November (…) during the real housewives of Beverly Hills.

"There is a lot of time that I think PK is the greatest father in the world. But is he the most father? The truth is not, "Dorit explained his confessionally, claiming," He will disappear and will go away for the week and week even if the kids call. I was trying to call their parents, wanted to see them, wanted to see them, missed them so much. I have defended him at any costWhatever And I don't think he understands that. "

Other women began to speak honestly to her confession to her confession to the dorit with the doer and wondering what she was waiting for and Bozoma was asking a harsh hit question.

"Do you think he still wants to marry you?" Bozoma was surprised. Dorit replied, "No, I don't."

Beverly Hills Real Housewives Bravo was aired at ET at 8am on Tuesday. Stream old episodes at any time of peacock.

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