With its 12 seasons and mass popularity, The Big Bang's theory made the stars of its main team. However, such a long blow in a popular role can make fans link the actor to their beloved character, creating a potential problem for those who want to break through the mold. In the case of the Kunal Nayar, he decided to go to everyone to remind the audience that he could play roles that are extremely different from his type of heart The character "Big Bang" Raj Cutrapali. To that end, after Big Bang's theory ended in 2019, the NARar took a role in the Netflix series "Crime" - and what role it is. In the latest episode of the Series 2 of the show in 2020, titled "Sandep", the Narar shows an extremely unforgettable convicted killer named Sandep Singh. The episode revolves around the hearing that turns into perverse negotiations when it turns out that Sandep has information on two mysterious disappearances, but will only discuss if its demands are met in the strict time.
The decision of the Nayar to deal with such a serious and frightening role, so shortly after Paradise was not a flux. In an interview with 2020 MetroThe actor explained that his judgment behind the takeover of such a surprising role is a combination of opportunities and a real desire to explore something that was extremely far removed from the "Big Bang theory". In his own words:
"Definitely had (a deliberate decision). It wasn't like," Oh, I'll just do this kind of work "but came at the right time. It was definitely what I wanted to do. Also physically, physically, I'm so recognizable by my Voice, I'm so recognizable by the face ... It was important to do something that completely breaks the barrier. "
Nayar wanted to remind people about what he could do
Paradise Cotrapali is obviously the most famous role of Kunal the most with a long margin, but the London -born starfish is actually a very capable scene and actor on the screen with an experience moving from Old -odian Shakespeare to dramatic roles and voice acting. In addition to wanting to remind people in his range, he took the "criminal" role because he really loved the show. Fortunately, he also discovered that the director of casting had already known his talents well:
"The part was already written, and I am close to this casting director - I worked with it before and she knows my job. She and I made a play in London with Essie Eisenberg, "All the captivation", which was a dramatic play, so she knew I had the opportunity. "
Narriar was not alone in his decision to use "crime" to show a different side of himself, as the Starwater kit "Game of Thrones", Farrington, also joined was not a bad career move, watching as "Criminal" season 2 has a perfect 100% rating Of spoiled tomatoesComplete with a very respectable rating of an audience of 82%audience. As such, the Nayar was able to follow the "Big Bang theory" with a surprising and intense role in a well -valued series.
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