Asoneyson Statam starred in some of Best action movies ever madeLike some of Worst flops for video game of all time. Through these highs and falls, the actor probably gained a lot of wisdom, but he also regretted. While he was talking Metro As early as 2012, the Starwear "Crank" revealed that he wanted not to be synonymous with making his own stunts, as expected to always perform them. As he said:
"I made a" conveyor "with Luke Besson and I ended up doing pretty much. So, from that day, it was a slippery slope to try and change things - until I could. "
While Stamet is still alive and well to share his stories, there are some stunts he wants to do because of how dangerous and potentially lifelong they were. The actor did not come out of all his performances neither, nor because he sustained injuries on behalf of one of the world's leading Mavericks. But which trick stands out most in his memory after making a career of being bold?
ASONESON STATAM complains especially for one trick
Asoneyson Stetam gives Tom Cruise running for his money in the trick department. Of course, cruise Deathly "Mission: Impossible-Extra" halo jump Is it a work of art, but did you know that it was literally hanging from the flying helicopter while filming "King?" That said, the Transporter franchise seems to have inspired his most regrets for stunts, as he explained in an interview in 2023 with Colider:
"I made a little jump in the" Transporter 2 ". "D missed the back of the bus, it would have been face to face at 30 km / h in concrete."
Of course, Statam is not the only actor to put it on the line and suffer the consequences. His Co-Starvedza "Expendables" Sylvester Stallone did not recover from some of his accidents for a trickSo maybe it's time for them - and other action stars - to ease it on themselves every once in a while.
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