What is art the true origin of the clown? Terrify fans have theories

The "Fear" films are not well known for being indirect. Creator Damian Leone has created a saga of unstable barbarism, with a Burgon icon for a horror icon, a clown that crashed its way through a few short films and three features. Indeed, 2022 "Peradic 2" proved to be too brutal for even some seasonal horror fansWith reports of walks that help move the film to relatively impressive success in the box office. In 2024, Leone continued his mission to show the most disturbing graphics killings with possible "Had 3", in itself a film that encouraged walking simply because of the sequence to open the stomach.

This movie series that saw the art of clown as a woman on half of the pelvis upwards, whips a sacrifice with her hoses and absolutely denies the body of a young girl in scene that is going to represent Leone's favorite murder And who became a tall watermark for an indelible Gore in the "pillows" saga. As such, the fact that Leone has demonstrated more restraint when it comes to art, the story of the clown's origin is surprising.

Since he first made his debut in the short film in 2008, the "9th Circle", the art remained a mystery. Originally presented as a supernatural chair of the devil, for his debut in the 2016 feature film "The Murder" of the killer, the killer clown seemed to be more than a mortal, who climbed the murder, committing suicide at the end of his pervert. be resurrected from some supernatural force. As such, speculation about his beginning was followed by the "frightening" saga since its inception, and it seems that with the impending "Fearing 4", Leone will finally reveal the story of the Clown Clown's origin. Meanwhile, the Internet, of course, has been speculating wild about where this manic Harlequin appeared, which actually led to some intriguing theories of its origin. Here are some of the best.

Was the conception of art shown in the 9th round?

When art, Clown debuted for the first time, was one of the few demon -digeons that inhabited Demien Leone's short film "9th Circle". In this film, art seems to serve the devil himself, catching the protagonist of the film, Casey (Kayla Lian), before waking up trapped in some sort of Netherworld, where Satan himself eventually sexually abuses her. Yes, the "9th round" ends with the devil forced sexual intercourse with a young female victim. If you can overcome the pure humiliation of it all, one Reddit The user suggests that this terrible moment is, in fact, the beginning of the art clown.

According to Reditor, Clown Art has been cursed offspring that resulted from this ungodly attempt at the end of the "9th round", and sent Satan to kill Siena (Loren Lavera) in "Fearing 2" and "Fear 3" his secret weapon. It's an interesting idea, especially by Completing "Fear 3" Harkens returned to Leone's original short. The last scene shows art sitting at the bus stop when a bus is pulling. The board is a woman (Enen Ayer Drake) reading a horror novel entitled "9th round". Then, we know that Leone at least intends to link his recent films to his original short, but does this suggest that the true origin of art is contained in "9th Circle?"

The only problem is that art appears fully formed in the short film before the devil arrives and allegedly imagine the clown killer. Well, would that mean that the first appearance of art was just a vision of what was supposed to happen to Casey? Or that, or this version of art, was another child of Satan, not the clown version we see in feature films. It is an intriguing download in any way.

Is art a drawing revived?

While the "Perfirator" in 2016 was, like /film Chris Evangelist put him in his Review of "Terrifier 2""Free, foolish, worthless excuse to show Gore," the sequel injected much more in the way of the story and found himself in the franchise of Damian Leone. Part of it saw the introduction of Siena to Lauren Lavera, which by the end of "Fear 2" has been confirmed that it is some kind of cosmic opponent of art - a selected warrior with the power to beat the manic clown.

The film also reveals that Siena's late father, Michael (Asoneyson Patrick), was an artist who was apparently hit by visions of art rampage. In "Fearing 2", Siena's brother Athonatan (Eliot Fulham) finds a book full of their father's drawings, featuring art and his victims. Michael also apparently designed Siena's "Angel Warrior" costume in a drawing that Siena uses to create her clothes later in the film, and is what Gave gave the sword that proves to be the only weapon capable of beating art . Moreover, his Siena drawing shows him holding the devil's head, which looks very similar to the version of Satan we saw during the culmination of "9th Circle".

Terifier 2 also reveals that Michael suffered a brain tumor that made him become offensive before dying in a car accident. But one theory suggests that before doing so, he essentially created art. That is to say that the art clown is one of the drawings of Michael that have come to life. Like YouTuber Nerd box Explains, this theory suggests that Michael's sketches are "more than just drawings of visions that tormented him, they were portals in a parallel dimension" through which art could have entered the real world. Michael then attracted the warrior of Siena's warrior, as a way to fight these horrible beer, he unwilling to free him - perhaps as a result of his brain tumor.

There is a much greater depth of this theory, as shown by Nerd boxing in his video. But whether art is one of Michael's drawings comes to life or could use drawings as some kind of portal, there is certainly something very important that connects Siena's late father and murderous rampage.

Is the father of art Siena?

One of the most prevalent fans' theories about the art clown is that he is, in fact, Siena's father. We know that Michael Shaw lost his mind and became offensive before he allegedly died, but do we know for sure that he had not resurrected the same forces that were shown to be resurrected by Art and Siena?

Several fans of the series suggest that art is a version of Siena's father, with some Referring to the fact that the clown did not kill Siena and her brother as a hasty fashion like his other victims. However, in "Manager 3", we learn that art is trying to overthrow Siena with his evil murders, so that the demonic force inhabited by Victoria Chase (Samantha Scefides) can finally enter Siena's body and use it as a host, What would explain why art does not kill Siena. That, he said, why Siena is of such importance to the killer Harlequin and his demonic group is not entirely clear.

Even more, there is a lot of Things that make no sense about the "Terrifying" seriesAnd the discovery of "Starwell War"-Styl "I'm your father" will be appropriate to banquers way to round one of the most insincere Chinese saga from modern times. Unfortunately for the fans of this theory, Damian Leone denied the whole thing, saying that during the monster-Mania Q&A (through Bleeding cool)

"My least favorite is that everyone thinks that Asoneyson (Patrick) is really an art. That father of Siena is an art clown. But I think, it's theory. You won't know what's until the saga comes to the final conclusion.

While some fans keep Leone's comments wrong, there were some very convincing disovers of the whole thing, with one Redditor Setting all the evidence against the theory "Art is the father of Siena".

Is art a serial killer since the 1990s?

In "Model 3", art and Victoria hide in the ceiling of a house before listening to their murderous fever. However, before it happened, they are discovered by two workers looking at the house before its demolition. One of these workers tells his colleague of a serial killer of the 1990s, who went to a murderous fever he saw killing several children and keeping their bodies in a fun house - probably the same entertainment house where the climax of the "Fearing 2". Although the demolition worker eventually claims to interfere with his colleague, some fans believe this is a true story of the origin of art.

Reds They noticed that in the first "frightening", art seems to be human (as evidenced by editing him that applies his makeup and his obvious surprise at risen). Leone seemed to embrace supernatural elements with "Model 2", which depicts art as a much more convenient serial killer in the original 2016 "Perfir", in which art was reworked David Howard Thornton also played the role for the first time.

In this takeover of the "Strishtor" films, art is a former man who was a corrupt serial killer before resurrecting the same demonic forces that settled A nasty little pale girl on "Page 2". As such, the character would begin as a sadistic man who became prompted by supernatural abilities, after being returned from the dead for "steering 2." If so, the memory of the demo -worker for this murder may be very good. of art. However, this will make the events of "all the shrines" film that uses recordings of "9th round" and the first "fear" of "fear"-a more-canon. As it stands, we will only have to wait for Leone to confirm the true story of the origin of art when debuting "Fear 4".

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