What people eat all over the world on Valentine's Day

What people eat and drink all over the world on Valentine's Day MyfitnessPal

Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world for a day to honor love and communication.

Behind flowers and heartfelt gestures, food plays a big role in how people enjoy this day together.

From chocolate treatments to luxury meals, different parts of the world celebrate Valentine's Day in unique ways.

This blog is dived with the directions of the food record in myfitnessPal, which shows how people from different cultures celebrate love with food.

How did we collect data

MyfitnessPal's business intelligence team looked at food entries from January 2020 to today.

They focused on countries that are widely celebrated in countries that are widely celebrated and compare food records with regular daily entries.* This helped to identify foods that see the largest mutations during Valentine's Day celebrations.

Based on these data, here are the countries where we found food trends on Valentine's Day worth noting.

What people eat according to the country

United States: Sweet dishes and luxury dishes

It is not surprising, food records on Valentine's Day showed a focus on leniency.

Strawberry covered with chocolate lights. These beloved foods have seen an amazing increase of 4,612 % on February 14, making it a major advantage in American Valentine's Day celebrations.

The hearts of peanut butter and cakes were followed, each seeing an increase of 2,400 % in food records.

But it was not just sweets that witnessed a high consumption on Valentine's Day.

Luxury meals were also largely classified, especially the lobster tail dishes, which saw an increase of more than 1000 % on February 14 compared to any other day.

These oysters are often considered delicious. It indicates that Americans will be immersed on special occasions, such as Valentine's Day.

In the United States, heart -shaped foods are still a classic symbol of love, with elements like chocolate hearts and conversation hearts climbing.

Canada: a heart shape

Valentine's Day trends in Canada reflect those in its southern neighbor. Chocolate -covered strawberries led 3418 % increase on Valentine's Day according to our data.

In addition, many Canadians celebrated on February 14 with heart-shaped sweets, a symbol of love and romance.

These foods are among the most indulging on Valentine's Day in the country:

  • Chocolate hearts (+3,250 %)
  • Cinnamon Heart Candy (+1500 %)
  • Heart -shaped cookies (+1200 %)

The tails of the lobster locusts were also widely displayed. The records of these oysters increased by more than 1000 %, indicating the assessment of Canadians who are shared for the upscale Valentine dinner.

UK: luxury flavors and inspiring indulgence

Through the pond, the UK also adopts the chocolate -covered strawberry element, with an increase of 3133 % in the records.

But the British also showed their love for delicious indulgence, as Dauphinoise potatoes recorded 2675 % on Valentine's Day.

Like Au Gratin and the strayed potatoes, Dauphinoise potatoes are a rich and comfortable side dish. It is made of potato slices, cheese and cream.

This aspect is likely to be associated with cow meat and Lenton, which appeared as a higher main dish, suffering from a 1940 % increase in food records. This dish is known as its rich and high -quality pieces of beef, and this dish is often reserved for special occasions.

It is clear that people in the UK also enjoy eating on Valentine's Day.

Other prominent trends, according to our data, included software, a tower of French pastries full of cream and covered with chocolate sauce, Tarte Au Citron, concrete lemon tart.

These famous French and Italian sweets show the influence of other European cultures on Valentine's Day celebrations

Ireland: sweet indulgence and awareness

In Ireland, indulging on Valentine's Day has taken an interesting turn, mixing classic romantic favorite with healthy, conscious, healthy treatments.

According to our data, the Sweet Island's Side Plate stole the width, with a huge increase of 2550 % on February 14.

However, chocolate remained a higher competition. Chocolate -covered treatments increased by 2200 %, including chocolate -covered strawberries, which saw a 1800 % increase in food records.

The hot hearts and chocolate were among the favorite romantic foods in the country.

Surprisingly, protein -full snacks were also popular on Valentine's Day as well.

Caramel -salty protein yogurt, high -protein chocolate pudding with topped, and a high protein yogurt drink sharply. This indicates a shift towards the most healthy indulgence.

Australia: A modern development on the traditional favorite

Food registration trends in Australia around Valentine's Day were not as clear as in some other countries, but some foods were distinguished as a celebration.

The best tolerant food was hot cakes through the spiced sweet cake that arose in the United Kingdom

But this prominent food had an Australian development. These hot cross cakes are filled with caramel flavor from the spread of a track.

These modern defects on the traditional hot cakes witnessed a great leap in popularity, with 1133 % in records on February 14.

Therefore, while the hot cakes filled with beskyv are usually the treatment of Easter in Australia, it appears to have become a favorite on Valentine's Day as well.

As in other countries, chocolate -covered strawberries served as a popular treatment for Valentine's Day in Australia. Consumption on this day increased by 967 %, adding a new touch to their romantic celebrations.

South Africa: The tolerant marshmalos are treated

In South Africa, Al -Khatmi's transactions seem to be an integral part of Valentine's Day celebrations.

Marshmallow Pies took the spotlight with an increase of 1586 % according to our data, making it the highest leniency per day.

Another favorite favorite included an increase of 1000 % or more hearts of chocolate filled with salt, granulated pies or pancakes. These "pancakes" are distinctive sweets made of chip, baking and chocolate.

South Africa also builds classic Valentine's Day. These include chocolate -covered strawberries (+1500 %) and red velvet cakes (+824 %).

Italy: rich chocolate and deep fried signs

In Italy, MugCake dominated Valentine's Day celebrations. Food records of this individual dessert showed an amazing increase of 4,200 % on this day.

The carnival -inspired foods highlighting another, combining festive traditions with romantic celebrations.

These crunchy sweets were among the most popular indulgences:

  • Fried
  • Castagnole (fried dough balls) (+1,279 %)
  • Farbal Carnival (fried pastry strips) (+1200 %)

The classic Italian filters also occupied their place. On Valentine's Day, Sanguinaccio (sweet chocolate candy) increased by 1,350 % and Baci Perugina Fondntissimo (dark chocolate kisses) increased by 1200 %.

Chocolate seems to remain a symbol of love in Italy, as well as fried pastries and rich sweets.

Other prominent countries (AZ)

  • Algeria: Braili Cream Chocolate (3800 %)
  • American Samoa: Iced apple cake (23200 %)
  • Argentina: Red Velvet (1167 %)
  • Austria: Fine hearts (1,833 %), I love Pralines Milka (1400 %), and macaron (1,300 %), love strawberry milka (1200 %)
  • Bulgaria: Beautiful heart chocolate (3,450 %), herbalized pork cooked (2050 %), Ferrero Rush balls (1,667 %), peanuts, chocolate, Scitec (1500 %)
  • Denmark: Fastilavn Bun (Pastry, Fill in Hard) (2,350 %), Praline Nougat (1,443 %) hearts (1,443 %)
  • IndonesiaLight cheese pie (1250 %)
  • MalaysiaGerman cookies (1050 %), luxury chocolate cake (1050 %)
  • Holland: Pralines Creme Creme (1600 %), nonnevot (bow in the shape of the bow) (950 %)
  • New Zealand: Raffaello (Coconut) (925 %), Chok Cross Book (900 %), caramel boxes (880 %)
  • Norway: BUN Shrovetide (a jam filled with a whipped cream) (6,867 %), semla (Swedish cream cake) (4,900 %), ROM cake (1,657 %), whipped cream, (1,191 %),, Menuett Marzipan (1150 %) cake
  • PakistanChocolate -covered sweets (4900 %)
  • Peru: Chardunai wine (2,750 %), Marshmoli (2,750 %)
  • Philipini: Toblerone (Chocolate) (1750 %)
  • Poland: Lindor truffle box or bag (4,900 %), wild boar (3,773 %), Belgian sea shells (2,350 %), salted caramel cake (1,540 %)
  • Portugal: Malesadas (Portuguese cakes) (1414 %), I love Pralines Milka (1150 %), dark chocolate rings (1150 %)
  • SpainCOD (3,600 %), Bueno White (3,100 %), carnival ears (fried pastries) (1600 %)
  • Sweden: Golden Jelly Hearts (10,150 %), irresistible milk Lindor (7,750 %), red gel heart
  • Switzerland: PISCO Sour (2,233 %), Heart Chocolate (1950 %), Lindor Milk Balls (1,150 %)
  • Thailand: Mint Chocolate (2550 %)
  • turkeyChocolate -covered strawberry (3,750 %), chocolate pastries (1250 %), miniature chocolate (1,250 %)

Food: a global language for love

Strawberry covered with chocolate and luxurious dinner may be common all over the world, but the traditions of Valentine's Day are varied like the cultures that celebrate it.

It is a heart -shaped sweets in Canada to fried sweets in Italy or the beautiful eating fee in the UK, each country brings its unique flavor to the table.

These traditions reflect the unique identity of each culture, which are constantly formed lifestyle and global food trends.

One thing is clear through cultures and countries: On Valentine's Day, food is a global language of love and communication, whether you prefer elegant indulgence or simple heart expressions.

My curiosity about what Valentine's Food records reveal you? Start exploring and tracking through MyfitnessPal application today.

*Note: Brazil does not celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14; Countries including India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, France, Chile, Belgium, Romania, Colombia, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Morocco, Vietnam and Hong Kong do not eat differently on February 14; Countries, including Russia, China, Egypt, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine and Greece, which recorded the languages ​​of each of them and were not translated for this article.

Pamphlet What people eat all over the world on Valentine's Day First appear on MyfitnessPal Blog.

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