Why Jackec Reiter is trying to kill Xavier Quinn

This post contains spoilers For "Reacher" Season 3, Episode 4, "Dominic".

Setting up Jackec Reacher (Alan Richson) does not take much. Whether you are abusing a dog or participating in an illegal army agreement, you are likely to end up with a part of your body in the cast after it ended up with you. However, there are exceptions to the S *** S *** list, and last week, Xavier Quinn (Brian Te) found it after it was originally scratched years before. In this case, however, Reacher does not like him in the hospital; He loves him where he left him last - lifeless and hovering at sea.

Extending season 3 this week (which is adjusted The best book in the series "Jackack Reacher", "Conviction"), we find out why Xavier Quinn, a former US Army Colonel has turned into a weapons dealer, is a spirit of Doder's past, which he is determined to use. In perhaps one of the most emotional episodes so far, Dominic shows Reacher thinking about the case of his military days when he first met with Quinn, who now goes by the name Jululius McKay. Stunning, elusive and sadistic, Quinn was responsible for torturing and killing SGT. Dominique Cole (Mariah Robinson), a promising young protector who worked with Reacher in front of his best friend, Negli (Maria Stan) and held in as much respect. This discovery is a frightening range, encouraging it forward and turning Quinn into a villain on which we scratch to see his arrival. Unfortunately, for this particular garbage, bad breeds bad and the boy, whether Reacher went bad to capture his Perp for the first time.

Xavier Quinn is forcing him to rethink his darkest moment

It only needs a view of the bus stop during the first three episodes of last week's three bingels to show that Alan Richson has switched to the Reacher we have not met before. Stray and managed by revenge, Reacher's worst fears materialize when his new friend with a badge, Susan Duffy (Sonja Cassidi), is a photographic evidence, Quinn is alive and is particularly missing a bullet in cranium. The discovery is forcing him to tell the whole story of how Quinn initially crossed his way that ended with a frightening discovery that shook this mountain to man to his core. Looking at Reacher set to getting someone is one thing, but looking at this heart broken why it's something else.

The whole loan belongs to Richson for further humanizing to someone who, to this point, was almost comically unstoppable in removing the bad guys. (Though The best person presented by Jackack Ricer may not be Richson or Tom Cruise, but another actor in full.) Here, we see him on his most fragile, stumbling from the barn and looking at tears. It is a state in which we have never thought we will see Reacher. It also explains why he retains nigles (Maria Stan) so close, but still so distant at the same time, fearing history to repeat when the danger approaches. This concern for those around him shows that he is not a cold heart hero that makes himself be. And that's also exactly why he failed to kill Quinn in the first place.

Reacher's bad choice proves that he is really a good man

When it comes to caring for Cole's killer, his commander is told that "Docker" is said "to do it once, do it right". The truth is that Reacher has never done so right in the first place because it is not him. Going someone to a rock and executing them is not in the nature of Reacher - it's in Quinn. As a result, fueled by sadness, blame and desperate need for revenge, Reacher became careless and shot by a man, he did not bother to see if he even did the job. "I assumed he was dead and there is no," he admits to Duffy. "I learned not to make an assumption in the investigation." Now, everything left to Reacher is to do things in the new season of the show that gives our hero a different reason for fighting. Taking Quinn is not just for justice against the worst man he knew so far; It is about finding a ransom for something that has just been returned to the surface.

What it looks like and how he will get it yet to be revealed. Of course, Fans of books will be before the game Compared to ordinary viewers. However, there is still every chance for the show to give up, and this inevitable unification between the two could end very differently. Our only hope is, however, that it descends, Reacher does not make the same mistake twice, and more importantly, it gives him peace he is looking for.

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