The 1990s were frankly pretty idyllic time to be a child. Social media has not yet existed, so we were still relatively cut off from the horrors of the world (beyond what we learned from our parents or maybe a clip of the night news), leaving children only children. Also, it was the time when the children were first seen really presented in the media-not just at work approved by parents such as "Mickey Mouse Club", but also the subversive, nonsense of things of nickelodeon. Nickelodeon was really adapted for its young audience, with plays like Perfectly scary "Are you afraid of darkness?" And silly and Series of gross sketches "all this" Taking what the children wanted seriously. And one of Nickelodeon's best shows was "the adventures of Pete and Pit".
"The Adventures of Pete and Pit" followed the Big Pitt (Michael F. Marona) and Little Pitt (Dani Tamberelli) as they were rising in their fictional northeast US suburb of Walesville. The series seemed to exist only outside our own reality, as there were some little weird things like the Big Pete tattoo to have a tattoo on his hand and their mother had a metal plate in the head that could collect radio signals. The characters themselves were also truly unique, and that included the best friend of little Pete, Nona, played by The late Michel Trahtenberg. Nona and Pete's friendship was really special and important, showing the young audience that gender did not have to play a role in the relationship - and, perhaps more importantly, that good friends always supported each other's unusual.
Michelle Trahtenberg's Nona inspired for other miracles
Being transparent: Trahtenberg was only two years older than me, so I felt deep with Nona when I first saw "the adventures of Pete and Pit" as a young child. I never felt like a girl (something I wrote before In the context of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine") And they fitted hard, and most of my closest friends were boys. When Nona first appeared at the premiere of Pete and Pit Season 2, she felt like a hidden spirit - an unusual that enjoyed a cast because of the way she felt and who really didn't seem to worry about what someone else was thinking about it. She really "left her freaky flag" and encouraged both Petses to do the same. (She also drew petunia on her team to be more like Big Pete, and what the child could not relate to tattoos and thinking they were the coolest?)
Trachtenberg will continue to play Harriet in Nickelodeon's Harriet Spy, another little unconventional female role that helped girls realize that they could be alone and be successful, but that was her time as Nona that first really meant something for many millennia. As part of an incredibly strange team of "The Adventures of Pete and Piel", she helped children accept who they are and to be iousubopite for the Great, Strange World. She also helped the little Pete become a more complex character than his Another best friend, Art, was Probably A picture of his imagination. The best part is that even though she has developed breaks of the little pit (quite normal work!), Their friendship has always remained platonic. After spending my early childhood just looking at women and girls as potential Loveboy interests for male waters, it was really refreshing that Nona and Little Pete were just best friends.
The adventures of Pete and Pit helped us with all the more frightening
There were many great shows that embraced the active, wild imaginations of the children's audience in the 1990s, but nothing was inserted into the real growth experience like Pete and Pit. While the bizarre events in Walesville are presented as totally normal, he really captures the feeling of being a child and trying to understand the strangeness of the real world. The problems of the characters are treated seriously even when they are funny, and felt like the show understood me, looking at the child, in a way that he did nothing. The aesthetics of punk and grunge Rock and guests' stars were not hurt, nor, making Pete and Pit feel a little desirable and colder than your average children's show. After all, Nona's father was not playing Punk legend (and veteran of "Starwench paths") Higi popAnd the show shows a lot of punk, grunge and alt-rock, affecting the musical flavors of the whole generation ... or at least the tastes of anyone watching "Pete and Pit".
Trachtenberg has had an impressive career and has been on some of the biggest shows in the past few decades, including "Vampire Killer Buffy" and "Gilmor Girls", but she will always be a little noun neighbor for me. Thank you for reminding us all that is strange is actually super cool.
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