The real reason why there are less than 50 wiltums in invincible

This article contains spoilers for "invincible".

The defined moment of "invincible" comes early in the comic (and in the first episode of the series), when Superhero Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man (PC Simmons) is revealed as a brutal striker. After the murder His colleagues' superheroes of the world's guardiansNolan shares the truth with his son Mark/invincible (Steven Hun). The people of Nolan, the Wiltrumites, is an empire to conquer their entire life in the universe. For a long time, the Wiltumites fought with each other to clear their gene pool of all, except the "strongest". Now they have released their almost unspecified strength of the rest of the cosmos.

It's a terrible premise for a foreign race, like Sayani from "Dragon Ball" mixed with Nazi eugenics, or if Krypton was full of only general zod. The wicked archetype of Superman As Omni-Man is not a very Romanian idea, but it is lost here because of personal betrayal. Mark has idolized his father as a man And The hero, so he must fight against him. Of course, flash forward in the "invincible" season 3 and Nolan had a heart change. Aling with a hostile conversed friend Alen Alien (Seth Rogen), Nolan reveals the biggest secret of the Wiltrumites: less than 50 of them remain. And because Nolan and Allen killed one of Nolan's Wiltrumitus' rpm, that number is now even lower!

But wait, aren't all wiltrumiti all-but-but invincible? This twist considered the small number of Wiltumiti we saw, but every time they appear, it was frightening. Nothing in Wiltrumit's track, except other, can stop it. Do they lose their wars badly? Is their low population a result of attraction? Not true.

Here's the widest answer: Wiltumites have fallen victim to plague, and others have immunity. All additional details require to look forward to the "invincible" comic, so Beware of spoilers.

Thaedus created a strain of trouble to kill the Wiltumites

We know eight of the ongoing living purebred Wiltumiti: Nolan, Grand Regent Trace, Conquering, General Craig (Clinic Brown), Anissa (Chantel Vansant), Brick (Gray Delisl), Lukan (Phil Lamar) and Thaedus (Peter Cullen). Like Nolan, Taedus has been defended by the empire; In fact, he is the leader of the Anti-Wiltrum Alliance Coalition of the Planets And Allen's head. To hide his true heritage, Taedus wears a beard under His typical wiltrumy mustache.

Thaedus is also the reason why there is so little Wiltumites. As a coalition leader, he oversaw the development and deployment of a "trouble virus" bio-wage to kill Wiltumiti. It worked too well, deleting 99.9% of the Wiltumites.

Based on the rate of Season 3, it takes place, the "invincible" season 4 will adjust the Wiltrumit War. This is characterized by Mark and Oliver (Christian Conversi) who go out into space to fight the Wiltrumites along with their father, Allen and the rest of the coalition forces. The Scarge virus becomes a plot in this story, so expect more details about it in season 4.

Are the Wiltumites condemned to missing? Not at all. You may have noticed that the Wiltumites look a lot like humans; The comic strip does not enter WhyBut it turns out that this means that human and Wiltrumatic DNA is very compatible. Note how Mark is a hybrid of Wiltrum-Human, but it is almost as strong as 100% Wiltrumit. So, to rebuild their numbers after the war, the remaining Wiltumiti "settle" on earth as Nolan did. They plan to present themselves as people, find partners and spread their seed to build their population back to levels appropriate to civilization. The Wiltumites have been living for centuries so they can afford to play a long game like that.

The "Wiltrumatic War" is only halfway to "invincible", so make sure that even when the show is growing, there will still be a story worth the seasons to tell about the coming years.

The "invincible" is a streaming of the premiere video.

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