One key invincible season in season 3 teases the ultimate game for Mark Grayson

In the second half of "You're My Hero", Allen (Seth Rogen) and the father of Mark Nolan/Omni-Man (JK, the coalition of planets, lying against the seemingly unstoppable Empire Wiltrum: less than 50 purebred Wiltumites.

Better, two of them are on the heroes' side: Nolan and the leader of the Taedus coalition (Peter Cullen, Aka Optimus Premier). They may be good guys now but you can still say They are the wiltums of their mustache. The defecation of Thaedus and the weak numbers of the Wiltrumites are linked: Taedus, convinced that his people must be stopped regardless of the cost, developed a "strain of trouble" to erase them. The remaining 0.01% of the Wiltumites had natural immunity.

In the "invincible" #88, Mark is accidentally exposed to the virus of trouble, putting it in a coma and then leaving it without power. While he is recovering, the superhero armor (featured in the Jayeji Faroa show) is reinforced to fill it as invincible until Mark returns to #98. (Bulletfoof-as-invinibles began in 2012, a year after Miles Morales debuted as Spiderman, and the bow feels like Kirkman responds by introducing black heir to His own very superhero on Spidey-Eque.)

How does Mark survive? His Wiltrumiti genes are particularly strong because he is a secret part of the royal blood line. When the characters learn this, they realize that Nolan's true Wiltrum Emperor is doing this.

At the end of the "invincible", Mark is reinforced to take his father's throne, leaving the country behind with Eve (expressed by Illjian Jaceces in the series) and their daughter Terra. This functional immortal family reforms the Wiltumites of Empire into force for good and justice; Wiltrumatic uniforms go from white/white to blue-yellow in honor of Mark. The last page of "invincible", set away in the future, has a "middle -aged" mark, remembering the question his father has been asking for a long time: "What will you have after 500 years?"

On Mark's proposal, immortal steps to run by the Global Defense Agency (GDA) and retain the peace of the country. It eventually spiraled into it becoming a brutal king and is what he calls when he says Mark has left. The "invincible" changed some details From the comics, but the big picture is still the same. So be careful about the words of immortal, because they are almost certainly a sign of how this animated retelling will go.

The "invincible" is a streaming of the premiere video.

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