MyFitnessPal RD Survey Survey Recextakes

Official rules

Please read these official rules carefully. By participating in this lottery, you agree to these official rules.

1. Civilization: There is no purchase or payment of any type is necessary to enter or win. The purchase will not increase your chances of winning. It is invalid where it is prohibited. The lottery is open to the legal population in the fifty United States and the province of Colombia, who is 18 years old. Employees, employees and directors (and their direct families (such as husband, children, mothers, siblings) and those who live in the same families (whether related or not)) from myfitnessPal, Inc. ("" "Shepherd“), It is not eligible to enter. The eligible participants in the lottery are referred to as“ the participants (the participants) ”or“ You ”. Through participation, you agree to these official rules and the sponsor’s decisions whose decisions are final and binding in all respects.

2, promotional period: This lottery ("Lotion) Start on March 3, 2025 at 9:00 am East Standard time ("Et), And it ends on March 10, 2025 at 11:59 pm EST.Entry)) The entries must be received and registered by the sponsor during the entry period. The sponsor will be the official time saving device for purchase of the lottery.

3. How to enter: Participants must get one automatic entry after completing them successfully and sending a RD poll presented by the sponsor. Or to enter without submitting a questionnaire, you can email With the full contact name and the email address to share the lottery. Reducing entry 1 of any type per person. You can enter by sending a survey or via email, but not in both directions. The shepherd reserves the right to verify all entries. The sponsoring reserves, according to their own discretion, have the right to not be eligible for the lottery from any potential advisor who considers the violation of these official rules. To be eligible to get the lottery, all entries must be received in the entry period and will be collected in one set of qualified entries (combined ""Qualified entries)) The prize winner will be chosen from qualified entries as stipulated here.

4. Drawing: Within thirty (30) days from the end of the entry period, the shepherd, or whoever integrates it, will draw a winner (1) (1) (winner)) It will be randomly drawn from the eligible entries that the sponsor received or its representative.The winner is an alternative)), According to the discretion of the special sponsor, each winner will be notified, and to the necessary limit, the alternative winner by e -mail. The shepherd, or designer will use reasonable efforts to transfer the prize for each winner and/or an alternative winner within ninety (90) days from the date of the drawing, and after the applicant winner provides a mail address in response to an e -mail congratulatory message requesting this information; however, The shepherd will not be responsible for not transferring the award within the aforementioned time frame.

5. Prize, winning probability, approximate retail value (ARV): The prize for the chosen winner of the qualified entries will be a Amazon gift card at a value of $ 100. Gift cards are subject to the terms and conditions of the use provided from them. Unlimited costs, expenses and taxes (if any) are the responsibility of each winner. The prize is only allowed to be replaced according to the assessment of the allocated sponsor and only for a prize of comparable value. The prize is not convertable. The shepherd does not provide any representation, guarantee or guarantee of any kind in relation to the quality of the prize, fitness or operation. The value of the approximate retail ("ARV") From each prize is $ 100.00, the total joint ARV for all awards is $ 100.00.  The chances of winning the award depend on the total number of qualified posts received.  

Amazon's brand is used for reference purposes only. No intended or any care or support, or then of any kind or implicit through this use.

6. Exclusion: The shepherd, or his designers, is explicitly and without obtaining, according to his own discretion, to exclude any winner and/or an alternative winner on any of the following: (a) Not to provide personal information or accurate contact at any time during the left operations; Or (b) on any notifications that are not submitted for any reason. In addition, the shepherd, or the designer, is explicitly reserves the right, according to the assessment of the shepherd, or his representative, to cancel the rehabilitation of any possible participant or participant for his behavior that is considered harmful or troubled for the appropriate operation of various officials, including, for example, but not limited to: minerals with the entry process, the process of survey or the mobile website); Acting on a violation of the conditions of these official rules or the sponsor's website; Send a video or other materials that contain inappropriate language, or content that enhances discrimination of any kind, or undesirable materials in another way; He behaves in a non -vibrant or sabotage manner, or with the intention of threatening, abusing use, or harassing anyone else. When not eligible, this winner or the alternative winner automatically loses his right to the award under this lottery, and no other commitment to the unqualified winner or the alternative winner is permissible.

7. Reducing responsibility: The parties that were issued (specified below) are not responsible for any responsibility or arise from any of the following, regardless of the reason: (1) Any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether because of the participants, wireless transport companies, Internet service providers or unqualified human intervention; (2) Technical difficulties or technical failures of any kind, including, for example, but not limited to, breakdowns, interruptions, interruptions in transmitters, communications, phone lines, network devices, programs, computers, equipment, programming errors, cables, satellite, cellular tower, ISP or telecommunications companies; (3) Insects, viruses, worms, Trojan horses or similar malicious attacks; (4) Typical errors, printing, network, mechanical, electronic, technical, human, or other errors or holidays; (5) The missing, incomplete, late, wrong, deformed, unnamed, incomplete, stolen or distorted transactions, subscriptions or entries; Or distorted, lost, wrong, or whipped transfers; Or (6) Human and/or mechanical intervention is not authorized to promote or any other part of the process of participating in this promotion. The parties that were released are not responsible for the awards, including but not limited to, that is, actions or neglect by any third parties, acceptance/possession, salvation, use/misuse and/or defects of the prize granted here. Everything that is provided to the participants is provided for registration in this lottery "as it is" without any guarantee of any kind, either explicit or implicit, including, but not limited to, the guaranteed guarantees of marketing or fitness for a specific purpose or lack of expression. Some judicial states may not allow restrictions or exclude responsibility for accidental or dependency damage or other damages so that some restrictions or exceptions do not apply to you.

8. The version: By entering, the participant agrees to accept and adhere to the official rules. All decisions by the shepherd regarding this promotion are final. The participant agrees that the shepherd and all of its employees, managers, managers, representatives and agents (“the parties that have been issued) are released, and no responsibility will be borne at all, to name a few, but not limited Popular or prescribed. In the event, the shepherd is prevented from continuing this lottery, or integrity and/or the feasibility of the lottery from any event, including, to name a few, the fire, the flood, the epidemic, the epidemic, the earthquake, the explosion, the practical threat, the threat, the threat, the threat, or the threat. Government law, order, regulation, or any court or jurisdiction, or other unreasonable case within the control of the sponsor (all a "force majeure"The event), the sponsor must have the right, according to his discretion, in short, modified, suspended, canceled or ended the lottery without further commitment. If the shepherd, according to his own discretion, chooses an acronym for the purchase of the lottery as a result of a legal event in the force, the shepherd maintains the right, but he will not have any commitment, by granting prizes from among all the good and qualified inputs that have been received until the time of this event Legal.

9. Conflicts and arbitration. Judicial mandate and place: With the exception of what is prohibited, you agree to submit to personal and exclusive arbitration of disputes under the rules of the American Arbitration Society. Any arbitration will be conducted in New York County, New York, and will give up any right to claim that this site is an uncomfortable forum.

You also acknowledge and understand that you are abandoning your right to conduct a trial by the jury. To the maximum permitted by the applicable law, you agree that any dispute settlement procedures will take place only on an individual basis and not in a category, uniform or representative. You give up your right to work as an actor, as a private public prosecutor, or any other representative capacity, or to participate as a member of a category of claims, in any lawsuit that includes any such conflict; You must make any claim within one year (1) after this claim appears or is prevented forever.

If this arbitration ruling is found to be empty and void, all disputes will be subject to the authority, state law and federal courts in New York County, New York, and are subject to the personal judicial state and the location of these courts. All conflicts will be controlled and interpreted according to the laws of New York State, without looking at or applying any contradiction to the rules or principles of the law.

In the event that any lawsuits or arbitration arising from these official or relevant rules occurs, the prevailing party is entitled to recover from the heterogeneous party all reasonable costs including employee time, court costs, lawyers ’fees, and all other relevant expenditures in this litigation or improvement.

10. Winner List: For the winners list, no later than 60 days after the entry period ends, email Reducing one request (1) for each email address.

11. Privacy PolicyPlease see the sponsor privacy policy in To obtain the details of the sponsor’s policy regarding the use of personal information collected regarding this lottery. By entering this lottery, the participants agree that any personal information provided by the participants may be used or shared by the shepherd as mentioned in the privacy policy, including the implementation of the lottery management.

12.MyfitnessPal terms of use in It is combined with reference here and made part of these official rules.

13. ShepherdMyfitnessPal, Inc. With a major workplace located in 100 Christs Avenue, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701.

© 2025 MyFitnessPal, Inc. All brands, service marks, slogans, product names or service are the property of their owners. All rights reserved.

Pamphlet MyFitnessPal RD Survey Survey Recextakes First appear on MyfitnessPal Blog.

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