Marvel may have had a spoiled fate of Scarlett Witch after miracles 2

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This post contains spoilers For Marvel's "TV".

Wanda Maximoff's fate, Aka Scarlett Witch, has been left in the air in the Marvel film universe for several years. Of all the performances, Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda died at the end of "Dr. Strange in the multivisional madness". Now, both in the comics of Marvel and MCC, when someone is dead, they are rarely truly dead, especially when we don't see the body. So what happened to Wanda, exactly? Well, the new title of Marvel Comics may have revealed the answer. Those who are very Spoiler-Arvers It would be good to get back now.

Marvel recently started publishing a comic "TV", Taking place in the multivisional organization we met at MCC thanks to Loki and Deadpool & Wolverine. Although it is not wildly important for someone to deal with everything that has happened in the "TV" comics so far, it is important to note that this story is firmly within the multivisional - as in, seemingly, the same multiversum in MCC. After A comic book movieThe third number just barely hit and, at the end of the book, Spider-Guvan passes with what seems to be a Scarlett Witch (MCC's Scarlet Witch, to be specific).

Although this has yet to be explained, it can be touched in "TV" #4. Or maybe it's just an Easter egg of different. In any case, this raises many questions. Did TVA intervene about Wanda Maksimof MCC? Did they put her on ice essentially prevent her from threatening more realities? Or maybe just to protect her? Is that "anchor is" on Country-616, the main country in MCU as we know? Again, now we have more questions than answers, but this is an intriguing little discovery.

Can the comic book affect the events of MCU?

Now we have to start asking some major questions. Would Marvel really allow a series of comics like "TV" to reveal very important information about MCU? Would that make a comic book like this canon without making a deal before? For what is worth, Kevin Jegie was promoted to Marvel's Chief Creativity Director in 2019. It put it at the forefront of everything in Marvel, including publishing. He is no longer just a boy. So, at least, it is possible.

Outside that, if this is really a Scarlett witch of MCU in some kind of cryo-sleeping of TV, what does that lead? We certainly know that "Avengers: Doomsday" and "Avengers: The Secret Wars" are on their way to closing the multivarous saga. If Wanda is alive, it is impossible to imagine that it would not be somehow included. It said, Elizabeth Olsen pointed out that she doesn't miss a Scarlett Witch these days. Will he return to one last ride? Money speaks in these situations.

The fact is that Wanda's fate remained hanging, at least by the standards of film films. Scarlett Witch has become a very popular character and with two main films "Avengers" on the road, it would not be difficult to believe that Marvel sets the foundations for her return. And everything that emphasizes the comic is a good thing, in my modest opinion.

You can grab a copy of TVA #3, as well as the first two editions, from Amazon.

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