Newly discovered diary from Demi MooreThe early years offers raw and a deep personal view in the turbulent education of the Hollywood star.
The journal, which was allegedly rejected into a storing hangar that was owned by his ex-husband Bruce WillisDocuments shock family secrets, wrinkles with addiction and formative experiences that are in the form of early life, Demi Moore shaped.
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See Demi Moore log entries

Moore discovered in the diary, obtained from Daily mailIf she originally meant that she would be named Elizabeth Faith Harmon, but her mother changed his name after leaving his biological father just a few weeks before she was born.
She only revealed the truth in 14. When she found a wedding dress since February 1963. year, when she was born in 1962. years. Facing his mother led to the discovery about her true parenting and instability that defined her childhood.
Her early years were marked by frequent moves, financial fighting and parents who fought alcoholism. In one trial input, Moore recounted the incident in which she was forced to physically intervene in the mother's suicide attempt.
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"I got up and went to see what was going on. My mom was trying to swallow the whole bottle of tablet. He was trying to stop me, he said," I would say it and I want you to dig up the pills from her mouth. ""
She noted that it was "the first of (her) suicide saves."
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Demi Moore recalls withdrawing her drunk mother from bars

Her father, Danny Guynes, died suicide in 1980. years, while her mother, Virginia Guynes, continued his cycle of heavy drink and entertainment, often leading Moore for driving.
"In bars, my mother loved when people told her she didn't look old enough to be my mom. I wonder why," Moore wrote. "I was fourteen and a half years that looked twenty-five. I almost always served."
What looked at first seemed fun quickly turned into something far more worries. "It all seemed like fun until they started pulling her out because she was too drunk and disgusting," she added.
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Demi Moore recalls that exposed to abuse substances at an early age

Alcohol was the presence in Moore's life from an incredibly young age. She reminded how witnesses of adults who drink overly became normal towards her.
"The vision of the dead drunk was nothing unusual in my life. I'm not sure how old I was when I became consciously aware that what was in his glass for sure, hell was not in mine but I will find out."
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When did Demi Moore take the first sip of beer?

She took her first sip of beer in just three years. On the family trip, Aunt is Moore and a relative of six packs of beer and marijuana compound, despite that at that time only nine and ten years.
"I just thought I was so cute and oh so grew up," she drank.
The substance is used there. .
Demi Moore's Teen's rebellion and first encounters with drugs and sex

When she was a teenager, Moore fully accepted the party. After moving to the beach Redondo, California, she fell into a new social circle that revolves around drinking and drugs.
"My new character was now a smoker, drink and a smoker pot," she admitted.
She and her friends drank everything they could get their hands, with the sole purpose of drunk drunk. "My girlfriend and I didn't drink, we just drunk to cover F-Cked. I made friends with that white bowl, let me tell you, referring to you, referring to the restitution in the toilet.
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At 14. Moore first tried Quaaludes, who improved her drug experimentation. In the same year she lost her innocence while she was on a trip to Mexico. "I found the guy I was very much loved. He was a beautiful and motorcycling champion, wasn't I a hot shot," she recounted. However, the experience left to feel empty.
"Sex didn't mean anything. But if that's all, he should have not rejected, what the hell was easy."
From growing up surrounded by the dependence on capture with feelings of self-worth and validation, Moore's sincere writings take pictures of the survivor who eventually prevailed chaos.
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