Big Bang TheoryThe first spinf is rarely the first TV show with the controversial age interval at the center of the story.
LiarWhich was premiere in the 21st, introduced the audience to Arya (Lucy) And ijra (Ian Harding) Some fanatics were original for fictional couple, No Arya is by his teacher, the problematic aspects of Ezra dating.
After a decade, The first marriage of George and Mandy To concentrate on the end of the couple's happiness in the title - In spite of the difference between the age of 12 years - After filling the characters Big Bang Theory'S Young Prequel
"It lets George go anywhere," Montana Jordan, Who played the characterNoted Ours In October 2024. "In this new show, George finally showed that he is not just this dumb baby. He actually has his brain. And in the Young Sheldon I am sure he has ignored a lot. He is probably the way to show and prove his people that he is this boba The baby (however is a mature adult). "
Continue scrolling for the most controversial age interval of TV for years:
Arya and Ezra ('quite a little liar')

Age gap: Six years
The most controversial relationship Liar ১ 16-year-old student Arya and his high school English teacher Ezra, who was 22 years old at the time of its debut at 25.
George and Mandy ('first marriage of' George and Mandy ')

Age gap: 12 years
The fictional couple faces many challenges after meeting the season of 5 YoungThe George, who was 17 years old at that time, lied that he was 21 years old to Mandy 29 years old (Emily Osman) Pretend to be 25. After finding the truthGeorge and Mandio realized that they were expecting their first child.
Rupert and tagi ('rival')

Age gap: 17 years
When the fictitious couple touched him without his consent, a rocky started. Considering the period, Rupert becomes relatively Scott-free, except the guilt he started to feel after spending more time with Tagy. This pair is crossing the paths and their feelings towards each other have developed.
Haley and Rinner ('Modern Family')

Age gap: More than 20 years
Haley (Helland) There were several obsolete onscreen romance but 23 -year -old Haley Dating Rainer (Nathan Felion) - Who is probably twice his age - of course he took the cake.
Pacey and Tamara ('Dawson Creek')

Age interval: 21 years
OG student-teacher relationship was in the passy (Joshua Jackson) Engaged in copper at the age of 15 (Hunley), 36.
Monica and Richard ('Friend')

Age interval: 21 years
If there is no legal irony, but Monica (Cortney Cox) Romance at 27 with Richard (Tom Calec) At the age of 48, when he was a child, he could land separately if he did not meet them. Friends also did a shocking romance between phobi brother Frank and his teacher-alien wife Allis, Who was his senior 26 years.
Rick and Chelsea ('The White Lotus')

Age gap: 22 years
Chelsea (when it is regarded as controversial (Eye Lu Wood) And rick (Walton Gogins) Comedy little romance has invested our week after week?
Allrescent and Visory ('Dragon's Home')

Age interval: About 30 years
Visaris (Paddy considine) When he married Allisent was about 30 years of age (Olivia), Who was his junior 11 years. The HBO series, however, is about 50 years old before marrying Alicent on Show.
Paris and Asher ('Gilmore Girls')

Age interval: More than 40 years
Paris in the fourth season of Gilmore Girls (Liza Well) A new college when he started dating Ashher (Michael York), Professor of 60 years old Who was a friend with Rory's grandfather.
Suki and Bill ('true blood')

Age interval: 147 years
OK, where here is Ours They all become supernatural. Suki (Anna Pawkin)) When he was 32 he met Vampire Bill (Stephen Myer) The one who was about 179 years old at the time of the show began.
Elena Gilbert and both Salvato's brother ('The Vampire Diary')

Age interval: 154 years and 161 years
The hit CW series started With Elena (Nina Dobarv) At the age of 17. Vampire diary Elena's romance with Vampire Stepan has followed (Paul Wesley), Who was 162, and Damon (Ian Somarhalder), Who was 169.
Angel and Buffy ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer')

Age interval: 225 years
When Buffy is premiere of vampire Slayer, its title character (Sara Michelle District) Was 15 years old. Later he started dating Angel (David Borianaz), A 240 year old vampire (But he had a soul!)
Rose and Doctor ('Doctor Who')

Age interval: About 900 years
Doctors (David Tenant) Said that he was about 900 years old when he introduced initially to the show. Roses (Piper), Already, when he joined the Cy-Fi series as a colleague as a colleague Doctor
Dean and Anna ('supernatural')

Age interval: A few million years
Showed 4 season deans (Jensen Actles) Find love with an angel named Anna Milton (Julie McNeave) At the age of 26 at the time of the show began, he was a demon hunter, which means he was 30 years old when he met Anna. Meanwhile, Anna was at the moment for millions of years.
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