Why every Wiltrumit has a mustache in invincible

As an animated series of Robert Kirkman's superhero The "invincible" continues to serve new twists and turns into its third seasonViewers can find themselves wondering what the deal with the Wiltumites and their mustache is. All of these men are sporting a serious face growth above the upper lip, such as Bart Reynolds smuggling truck on Texakana to Atlanta. It's boldly a little grooming that is too uniform to be a mistake. Meanwhile, Mark Grayson (expressed by Steven Jun), aka half-human, semi-winding hero invincible, is without Stache. It is clear that something is up.

There is, surprisingly, perfectly good explanation of the preferences of combing the Wiltrumites, as well as Mark's decision to go without one (though you could be exempted for the assumption that the young man is still incapable of looking like the 1980s. ). The short answer is that it all has to do with the tradition of Wiltrumit - something that Mark doesn't know much about three seasons in the "invincible" TV show. However, if you want a deeper explanation of the lover's loveee, we will have to enter spoiler Territory, so be warned.

Wiltumites carry a beard for loveub to Wiltrum

Spoilers For the "invincible" comics (and most likely, the TV shoot) forward.

After "invincible" #144 (which, of course, wrote Kirkman and illustrated by his "invincible" co-creators Ryan Osli and Corey Walker), the mustaches of the Wiltrumites are a ceremonial, tradition-related tradition-this moment in this moment in the comic book books - Wiltrum's domestic planet destroyed. They play their appearance as a means of honor of their culture. However, while Mark is compassionate about this desire after destroying their world, he chooses not to grow.

As Mark explains in this issue of "invincible", "I want to think that old ways have died with Wiltrum. We don't have to do things as they have always been done. I shave the face in honor of it. In honor of our new way ... a way of peace. " Meanwhile, his father, Nolan Grayson Aka Omni-Man (who expressed the "invincible" TV show from Jonion Joneymson himself, JK Simmons), chooses to stick with a mustache. Indeed, as the comics continue from there, Mark remains the only survivor Wiltrumit to avoid the mustache tradition.

Perhaps the animated series, which counts among its executive producers, points Gray Pictures Duo of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (who brought other gentle comics like "Ecclesiastes" and "boys" on television) will take place in the other direction and leave Unbeatable to play with the idea of ​​becoming shrubs, Tom Selek/Magnum Pi on superheroes. Or maybe he will start a new tradition and shave his eyebrows like the fascist pink bob Geldof in Pink Floyd - theid. He could even try a soul patch à la Bob Denver, Maynard G. Krebs At the old CBS's "many Lovesube of Gilis".

Or the show can only adhere to the comics because people seem to be good that way.

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