Who plays Dylan Priar in suits

The latest NBC spin-off "suits" has finally arrived, introducing fans with new surroundings, fresh characters and more unique cases in the world of law. The center around Ted Black (Steven Amel) and the other characters working in his company, Cospe La, is handling everything, from mysteries to murder to a Hollywood drama, with the latter opening the door to some entertaining celebrity. However, Dylan Proor's character seems to be in the heart of the famous center of celebrity in season 1, and spectators who have grown up watching nickelodeon shows can be recognized by a pair of classics.

The premiere of "Suits La" season 1 ", seven days a week and twice a week," Dylan introduces as an actor in demand, which Ted firm wants to represent. He plays cool and pretends that no skin will fall on his nose if she chooses a competitor, but later we find out that Ted Really He wants Dylan to be his client. Unfortunately for him, she is in no hurry to make a decision, because everyone wants to work with her.

Of course, the actor played by Dylan is none other than Victoria Justice, who climbed to fame as a children's Starwar before moving to Edier projects in her adult years. Let's look at some of her biggest hits.

ZOI 101 (2005-2008)

Nickelodeon's Zoe 101 is probably the best remembered that Given gave Britney Spears' sister, Ieei Lynn Spears, a remarkable role in her career. She plays the main character, Zoe Brooks, a student who moves to the boarding school, which was previously exclusive to the boys. This is how the trip begins with laughter, Loveubov, friendship and everything else you would expect in a teenage comedy series.

Victoria Justice joined Zoe 101 as the main character in season 2, playing Lola Martinez, one of the best friends of the ZOI. She is a typical teenager who is obsessed with boys and becomes known one day, but always comes through her friends when the situation invites her to be unselfish.

Unfortunately, Zoe 101 and other nickelodeon shows have created a negative stamp in recent years as a result of Documentary "Set of Set" exposes the frightening behavior of creator Dan Schneider. Subsequently, justice noticed that the ashamed shower behaved unjustly, but on a more positive note, she remains a friend with her old co-stars to this day. And Zoe 101 was not the last time he worked with nickelodeon.

Win (2010-2013)

People in Nickelodeon understood Victoria's Starwater potential, as they gave the highest in another series after the Zoe 101 ended. "The winner" sees her play Tori Vega, an aspiring singer who has accepted one of Hollywood's most prestigious art schools, where she hangs out with other talented teenagers with a wide range of talents, ranging from dancing to ventricism.

The "winner" ran four successful seasons and saw the Starvala Justice along with other significant celebrities, including Ariana Grande, who had a very successful career in her ownership since the show ended. That said, the power of the ensemble Starvers is one of the many factors behind the last popularity of the show, which justice discussed in an interview with Colider:

"That play was such an exciting and special part of my life. And how, I love all the music from the show. I wrote three of the songs from the show ... to see people still like, to have that nostalgia and that loveub to it, and to see that it still brings people joy is like, so much fun. I love that. "

Of course, justice could not act in children's shows forever, and she has since borrowed her talents on various projects. However, she always remains faithful to her comedian roots, although some of her films and shows are not suitable for young children.

Fun size (2012)

High school films tend to show hip parties like everyone and the end of all teenage experience, and this is the case in the "fun size" of Oshchos Schwartz and Max Werner. In this, friends Vren (Victoria Justice) and April (Janeane Levy) plan to attend a large Halloween Shindig that could move them on the social scale, just to get stuck with babies on the former brother of the former. Trick-or-healing with children is bad enough at the best time, but their party plans are spoiled when the Bruce baby disappears.

Despite being produced by nickelodeon, "Fun Size" is the PG-13 affair with some naughty words, inappropriate jokes, chickens that make cars and other things they would not find in the episode of Icarley. It is by no means as risky as movies as "Superbad", "Allir", "Books" and other trembling of teenagers of similar Ilk, but it is still quite fun, mostly because of charismatic performances of justice and Levi.

"Fun Size" was also one of Movies for 2012 to pass the Rousseau test for LGBTK charactersWhat he set up to examine how characters who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexuals and transgender in movies are used. Only a few films released that year went through the test, though over a hundred were discussed.

Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's make the distortion time again (2016)

If there are two things that are known Victoria justice, she acts and sings. As mentioned earlier, she even wrote and performed some of her songs in "Winning", proving that it was a multi-dimensional talent. Justice once again combined these skills in Kenny Ortega's 2016 "Rocky Horror -Picture" remake of 2016in which Etennet Weiss played.

The discovery of classic like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" always had to be a difficult task for everyone involved, but justice was on the Get-Go ship. While talking to Miami HeraldShe has revealed that she is a fanboy of the original cult classic who has starred Tim Curry since high school, and she jumped in a chance to show off her musical chops again:

"I especially enjoyed it because it returns me to singing and music. I really missed it, and it was such a huge attraction for me to announce this project. I studied music theater in school and was always one of my passions. "

For justice, the only disadvantage of project work was unable to choose Susan Sarandon's brain before, as she wants her performance as Etennet in the original film. However, she hopes that Sarandon sees the remake one day and enjoys taking over the iconic character. And, if La's suits is half -popular as the initial show, Sarandon may have a review of justice as Dylan Prayor.

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