Urine detained for urination in grocery stores

Kelli TedfordThe 23-year-old Hampshire New Woman, which has been arrested, showed photography to put food in grocery stores.

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More details Hampshire's new woman's film allegedly put urine in groceries

On February 21, the Keene Police Department shared Press release Through Facebook, more details about the alleged actions in Tedford. According to the press release, February 14, the Department reported that Tedford was allegedly published by the "disturbing video site".

"In one of these videos, Tedford contaminated the elements of a local business with his urine," notes noted.

For each department, Monadnock Food co-op was a business affected by specific footage. After the business is notified to the alleged actions of Tedford, "has removed affected product. "In addition," coordinated with the Department of Health, "Stores also" reminded him. "

However, Monadnock Food co-op apparently was not a single business. According to the police, their research gave the footage of similar events involved in Tedford in "Keene and the surrounding communities". Also, footage is 2021. It is a year.

"At this time, it is likely that similar historical events happened in Kenee and the surrounding communities, where Tedford infected with polluted items and / or surfaces, which are recorded as soon as several videos 2021".

More details on Kelli Tedford's arrest and charges

According to the press release of the Keene Police Department, Kelli Tedford was arrested on February 21st. In addition, the department has warned that he was charged as a nasty crime "as a class of class."

"This research is constant and additional criminal loads are possible. Tedford has been bonded by personal tax prosecutors and is planned at 04/04/04, 2012/04, adds the Department of Keene, NH. "Tedford's suspicious events involved, or possibly buy anyone who bought the contaminated item, is encouraged to contact Don Lundin Don Lundin (603) 357-9813. "

For each release, Monadnock Food Co-op had a $ 1,500 economic loss for alleged actions by Tedford.

Philadelphia man charged a man with a moving frame of his alleged actions in front of the dollar

Kelli Tedford is not the only one to make the titles of shocking actions within a store. So Shadow room He previously reported that a man in Philadephian was arrested in July by alleged actions within a dollar tree. At that time, the footage was running out of the store Gary Miles, showing a female customer after being accused of pleasant and relieving.

Then the footage became a virate and Meek also spoke mill, announcing the award for the beginning of the miles to locate.

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