Prison incidents are recording music (video)

The boy broke a prison rebellion while Working in Tory Tried to record music in a video call. Also, details reported about the latest actions on the latest actions in Megan Thee Stallion.

Related: Whew! Tory Lanz has social networks with reactions to his "prison ribbon '(listen)

Prison riot trying to record music while Tory Lanz calls music

Monday, February 24, Tmz Lanez published the films obtained behind the bar. In the clip, Lanez is seen recording. A verse while in a video call. For each outlet, the verse is due to his next album.

"I can't say that I'm the same last year / I can hide in my eyes ... I can't hide it at $ 500 Gymnastics / I'll see N *** rode the yard, so much night," Tory Lanez has raped.

At this point, Lanez returns to the camera while he shouts. After a few seconds, Lanes rose from his seat and walks out of the camera, trying to value what is apparently going on. After a few seconds, working back to the camera with a message.

Note, last week, a video was shared in Lanz's Instagram account, confirming plans to pull out some bars to extract a album in the next three weeks.

Social media reacts to the footage of prison rebellion and the artist recording music

Social media users reacted immediately behind prison revolts and labor recording behind music bars Shadow room comment section.

Instagram User @ ActiionJaackson wrote, "Imagine that you have punished your life and is nigga next to the phone "

While Instagram User added @thebadpapi, "My problem is "I want to turn around as I am in the studio. TF. '"

Instagram User @ CEO.UNIQUE wrote, "Dawg I wouldn't survive in prison "

Instagram User while he added @ therealsyndotcom, "Power in advance "

Instagram User @TheHarthealer wrote, "Damn this is that engineers are making witchcraft to wash the voice in the process of recording "

While Instagram User @ShestHatforeign was added, "Could not end the song in peace 😭😭 "

Instagram User @ The.elohim_ wrote, "This Lowkey could be a scene from Boondocks 😭 "

Instagram User @__ If Jasrenee added, "It's the entrance currently 🔥😭 "

Instagram User @ Mscandii wrote, "It goes a lot from now on rap .. fight ... pepper spray anything "

Meanwhile, Megan Zee Stallion has taken additional action against work in the case of his defamation

So Shadow room He previously reported in December 2024, Megan Thee Stallion asked for a stop of Tory Lantz, claiming to be defamed after him. Moreover, Meg Lanez claimed Blogger Elizabeth Milagro Cooper to expand expressions about his line.

"Although Mr. Peterson has established a 10-year prison sentence, Mr. Peterson continues to repeat the trauma and roundabout," he read his request, said: Six pages.

Related: Update: Tory Work 'Legal group Megan The Sellion reacts to the allegations of demand for defamation and demand

Although Lanoz denied allegations, Megan Thee Satplion was awarded five years of reduction against Raper in January after all. According to TmzMegan wants to deposit work and separates his "alleged online campaign around him". However, a group of legal work in LANAZA has reacted to the Meg's deposit, Lanez will not agree and "forced" to respond with any deposits on the subject.

Related: Update: Megan Zee Stallion receives a five-year reduction order against labor, following defamation allegations

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