Kyle Richards Robby Reunion and Shades Cast are planning to publish Dorit Camesle!

Kyle Richards

Kyle Richards Robby Reunion and Shades Cast are planning to publish Dorit Camesle!

Kyle Richards Recently published Amazon live He feels aggressive by his actors this season - especially on the surrounding drama Dorit Camesle Separation. Kyle He emphasized that he reached Dorit, but claimed that the women had deliberately twisted the narrative to make the narrative look bad. Now, he is preparing to bring the receipt to reunion and set the record straight.

Dorit Camesle

During his live stream, Kyle This season reacted to a fan comment on how his clothes were treating him. He believed that he believed to make him a villain, he never wasted any time.

"I have definitely felt aggressive this year," Kyle Richards Admission. “I told everyone that I was text PK And Dorm When they declare their separation. No one mentioned that the text from PK came from separation and no one says that I also text DormThe "

Kyle Richards

Then he accused his clothes deliberately exclude the original information to make his appearance worse.

"Deliberately, guys. Of course, to try and look like a **," Kyle Continue Then he revealed that he re -seen an old episode Dorm Claim Kyle Never reaches by following separation. It was the final straw KyleThere is evidence of the one who emphasized Desired The claim is not true.

Kyle Richards

“I sent you the text. I have it on my phone, and don't think I will not share my receipts in the reunion, "He warned." Again, trying and looking bad to me was just intentional. This is why the reality television is sometimes very disappointing. " Kyle Also addressed his rocky relationship with him Rhor Newcomer Bozoma “Boz” St John, Explains that their excitement has been probably derived from Boz Fast friendship with DormThe

“I really like Boz, "Kyle Shared "I know that we had some problems this season, but I really believe it because it came close to him Dorm Instantly, and I think that this kind of situation has been stigmatized. "

Dorit Camesle

Kyle Also off Boz He claims he was cool to him. "This is strange because I went literally to Onsides and said, 'I just want you to know how happy you are part of the show. I think you are amazing,' Kyle Have been remembered.

He has added that a Rhor The producer was present for the conversation, which he believed that it proved further Boz The claims about him were unfair.

Kyle Richards

Kyle He also fired at his customers to dismiss the text message, the whole ordeal was embarrassing. "These women are like schoolchildren this year," Kyle Dr. "Why are you starting the problem with something so dumb? In fact, it is embarrassing that I was going through it because of a lesson to declare divorce. That's why I said that I was embarrassed for all of you. "

Kyle It was also mentioned that his clothes were fully aware that he was going through personal battle at that time but chose to pile instead of supporting. "I know we're on a TV show, but be a little sympathetic, but he is on a TV show," he added.

Kyle Richards

Rumors have recently promoted Rhor The actress hates the actress Jennifer Tilly, But Kyle Quickly off it.

"Not at all. This is not true, sorry, at all, "he said." I love Jennifer Tile I don't think nobody loved him on the show. He is simply colorful, bright and happy. "

Kyle Richards

To keep the session folded, Kyle Labeled Stroke And gArcaleu Beauvis Pot-stairers, though he had taken some time to protect Sneak Mother, sharing that she has a long, deep conversation with her.

Beverly Hills Real Housewives Tuesday was aired at 8/7 c BravoThe

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