The next contains heavy spoilers For the whole "attack on Titanium" Anime and Manga. Reader be careful.
Even a few years after completing, "Titan's attack" continues to shock and surprise the audience. The huge popular anime based on Hadzim Isayama's best -selling manga is a modern classic. This is a show where Every season builds and improves the previousDelivering huge conspiracy twists that re -computed everything the audience thought they knew. It is a show with stunning scenes for animation and epic action, unforgettable characters and a soundtrack hell.
If you've never tried to watch "Titan's attack", stop reading now. There are (obviously) huge spoilers ahead, and we will just get straight to talk about the end of the show. Make the benefit of experiencing definitely anime since the 2010 It seems to be a perfect introduction to the anime for newcomers.
After nearly 10 years of running, Titan's "attack" ended in 2023 with a really epic final showing that protagonist Eren Jager liberated the army of thousands of colossal titans around the world, causing a catastrophic genocide that killed 80% of humanity. Only the combined forces of Erren's former friends and enemies managed to take it down, and in the process to destroy the power of the Titans forever. The series then Ends with an epilogue showing a cycle of violence continues over the yearsWith Eren Figan's hometown, it became the ruin of the war and eventually a desolate forest.
Now the compilation film "Titan's Attack: The Last Attack" that combines the last two episodes of anime in the epic final in the length of the long -term sides, gives the audience one last turn. This comes in the form of a post-credit scene that is both a brilliant joke and one last sting for the audience to talk and theorize.
What happens in Titan's attack: The last post-credit attack?
After loans in "Titan's attack: the last attack", we cut into a movies, where Armin, Eren and Mikasa seem to see the same movie as the audience. In addition, these are not the same amen, Eren and Mikasa we know - Armin is Nerd who wears graphic T -shirts and glasses, Eren is lonely, and Mikasa is cooking. (We also see dead Marko sitting behind them.)
The post-credit scene is full of wise anime nodes as well as homes. We see Levi as a cinema servant makes some impressive combat moves while cleaning Wallsids. We see Nicolo beyond what seems to be his own lobster restaurant. We even see Nimir walking down the street with her three daughters, finally without Fritz.
As they leave the theater, Armin and Mikasa talk about their thoughts about the end of the film they saw. Mikasa says she enjoyed the end he paid all the predictions of the series earlier and praised the story of allowing the audience to say goodbye to the characters. Meanwhile, Armin claims that the end is quite predictable if you follow the topics of online discussions and failed to undermine expectations. Eren, however, was just happy to see the movie with her friends.
Then, as they walk down the street, Armin shares his disbelief that the Titans really existed 100 years earlier, and the band wonders how much of the film is based on a historical fact and whether the film's main characters really existed. The film ends as the camera is growing and we see the giant tree Eren is buried under the background. This seemingly confirms that the credit scene is indeed set in the same Time frame as anime events And we saw retelling events during events.
It's a fun and bunker scene, the one that entertained with the reaction at the end of the anime - which was much polarizing - as it ended up on a classic "attack on Titanium". Or do it?
What does the attack on Titan mean: the last attack post-credit scene
You see, the post-credit scene is not a wrapped, it is the culmination of the long-running manga-"attack on school castes". This is a parody manga, published at the end of every volume of the original manga "attack on Titan" by Hadzim Isayama for an alternative universe, where every "attack on Titan attack" is just a normal high school student. The manga is very funny: Way Isiaama to comment on his own manga, to have fun with the peaks he used, on his own characters - as long as teasing what was supposed to come into the main story.
For years, fans hoped to receive an appropriate answer on whether the parody was Canon, given how closely the two of them seemed - we even saw blinking-and-you-me misses-that of cook micassa in anime from "School Cast". Of course, the final number of parody manga feels like a definite answer if you take it by nominal value. The idea that, in the end, the story of the Titans and Eren released Armageddon with the rumble Woulde pass to the legend, and children will only learn about the event that killed 80% of humanity through film makes a lot of sense. It also makes it a beautiful little Koda to Isaiaama's story about the cycle of violence and the hope of persisting even in the worst circumstances.
However, given all the nonsense shenanigans in the rest of the "attack of school castes", the audience should not take this last discovery of nominal value. After all, the question just before it was just a big wrapping for the saunas to be the best thing in the world. Instead, the audience should take the scene after post-credit as just a final chance to see Eren, Mikasa and Armin together, and follow Eren's words on stage: no matter what you thought about the show and the end, What is important, what is important the relationships we formed on the road.
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