By comparing Forest Gump with Daniel Carolin of the traitors

The betrayal Daniel Carolin defends her naked appearance by comparing Forest Gump to Forest Gump
Daniel Reyes, Carlin Wigar. Peacock (2)

Traveler They Daniel Reyes Weight on her Forest gump Comment on Carlin WigarHis "messy" onscreen appearance and more.

Daniel (53) was confronted with backlash after Plan to ban Caroline Thursday, February 20, Peacock's Hit Competition series episode. More precisely, how did Daniel claim that 38 -year -old Carlin did not overwhelm the audience on the fact that he had a "act" before comparing it to her Tom Hanks'Forest Gump character.

"Compare Josh's footage to Forest Gump with pretty Lisa Big Brother 3The Yes, she won our first female winner, "Daniel wrote via X Saturday February 22. Carlin played a spectacular game. Hats off (no Pang purpose)."

After her departure, Carlin shared a poem that was written for Daniel, Friday, February 21 was shared by Instagram, "Imagine this show loves and be very interested in playing this game and then you want to play your GCPEN HA I am getting the girl. "

The 'betrayal' season 3 is the uninterrupted thoughts of casting Daniel Reyece's behavior

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Yuan Cherry/Peacock This is not just a traitor visitors who are opposed to the game of Daniel Reyees - the 3 casters of his season are just confused. Daniel, Bob the Drag Queen and Caroline Wigger were selected as traitors, while chaos (…)

He continued: "They say that expectations will make you frustrated and sad. I didn't expect to be constant trembling and crying around. I think it was bad to me. You're not just a traitor. You are also keeping the business vicin. I hope these big brothers fans are proud of you. "

Daniel responded to the video, "This is a smile! Not wearing his hat."

TravelerWhich returned last month, reality TV stars from various franchises because they compete up to $ 250,000 in the Mafia-style game. Daniel when the 3 season was an attractive start, Bob the Drag Queen And Carlin was chosen as a traitor but was forced to work with newcomers quickly Boston Rob Mariano As well.

The betrayal Daniel Carolin defends her naked appearance by comparing Forest Gump to Forest Gump
Yuan cherry/peacock

As a result of the experience of Boston Rob in the surviving franchise, he was a fellow traitor - Bob the Dragon Queen - and all the bats were closed from there. Once Boston voted for Rob, Daniel and Carlin fought instead of working together to work together instead of working together by the Mirror of Treator-on-Tretter.

Daniel Were facing criticism especially from the audience -And clothing-those who questioned him over-the-top acting. There was also an online joke about Daniel's isolated presence, which he had no regrets.

“For the real. I think I'll frame the exclusive hat. Hot Mess, "He wrote on the weekend through X. “I wasn't very nice there. I was won there! Don't give AF about my appearance. #Masitator. "

The episode that he helped Banish Caroline aids before Daniel defended how he chose to play the game.

"That's all the performances and crazy acting," he said Man Early this month. “I am a non-sensitive person in my normal life, people think that I am heartless and cool. I have been told So I decided to cry. I thought I'd be more sensitive. I will get sensitive to foolish things. It's very cringe. I smile at myself because it's funny. "

Daniel mentions that he was not aware of everyone Would support its gameplayAdded, "Looks like, 'What am I doing?' 'Oh you are not afraid of' but I have shook my hand, but I was edited to see that I was loyal. Because I did it ""

He concluded: "If you listen to people who have been murdered and banned, they are all surprised that I am a traitor. I mean, it would be so annoying if I didn't do what I was doing. You don't want to hug the traitors and sing 'Kumbaya'. You want to see the chaos, and that's what we tell you ””

Its new episode Traveler Peacock was published on Thursday.

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