Does the Season 2 of 1923 set the death of this main character?

Three things are confident in life: Death, taxes and tragedy falling on the Dutton family in the Yellowotiston franchise. From Elsa (Isabel May) taking a poison arrow in "1883" to (Johnon (Kevin Costner) killed in season 5 YellowlstonThe last moments of the clan are rarely calm. That, he said, will the "1923" season 2 have a happy ending for the whole gang? The answer is, probably not.

Everyone so often, "YellowoLston" and his spin-offs, fall indications of how certain stories will end. The most important example is when "1883" donated the season "YellowOlston" 5What was really good about this bloody franchise. However, Alexandra Dutton (Iaululia Flaefer) may not get the happy outcome she deserves, as she is now alone and prepares to start a deadly adventure that she teases in the "1923" season 1.

Everyone wants Alexandra and Spencer Dutton to distance, but life does not always work that way. Having this in mind, let's speculate on why Alexandra can become another statistics of death when it is all said.

Does Alexandra Dutton his death?

"1923" Sixth Episode of Season 1, "One Ocean Closer to Fate" is a romantic affair. After surviving a shipwreck, Spencer and Alexandra are on another boat, discussing their dreams under the sky starlite. Spencer informs his wife that he hopes the universe allows them to be together, and she responds, saying there is no other choice, followed by: "I go where you go, even if it is the death of me." Never, under any circumstances, test the universe in this franchise.

Rapidly forward to the premiere of the 1923 season, and Loversubs are separated in Europe. Meanwhile, Alexandra is ready to climb a lonely trip to Montana to hope that she will reunite with her husband, proving that she is really ready to follow her to the other side of the world. Unfortunately, Spencer's monitoring could literally be a death on her, as the Dutons are preparing for a grass war that will undoubtedly seek sacrifice, making Alexandra's aforementioned dying.

"1923" there was no noticeable tragedy by Johnon Dutton Senior (Jameseshei Balj Dale) and his wife Emma (Marley Shelton), both died, but they were a little. This is a series of Taylor Sheridan, more influential death is inevitable, and Alexandra is a strong candidate to be sent to the grave. Of course, it is also possible that she will survive, and Spencer and his lubilee will be given his own spin-off series, similar to "Yellowothian" Rip Wheeler (Col Hauser) and Beth Dutton (Kelly Raleley) get their own show.

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