Details of the Julia Schlaffer of 1923 in 2 seasons of pregnant Alex's journey

Julia Schlefar speaks of a pregnant Alex Dotton Challenge on the way to Montana in the 5th
Low Smith/Paramount+

Alex Dotton has been quite a journey before that 1923The Montana's husband not only need to cross an ocean in the hope of reappearing with, but Mouss 2 Premier has revealed that she will start the journey while pregnant.

In the exclusive interview, Julia Schlapar (25) What kind of challenges will face on the path of Bozman, where he and where he and Brandon scallerWas led by Spencer Before taking her to her ex -fisherman Arthur to take her (Raft sole) Overboard in the season 1 final. The actress said, "This will definitely make her journey much more difficult." Our "There is a lot of risk to know that she is pregnant and there is a child on the way."

"If you are simply taking care of yourself (when) is running around the world, you can choose for yourself that feels right, but now he has a child to take care of," he explained. "This is about to be complicated, especially a pregnant woman in the 1920s. It adds a layer of intensity to the circumstances. "

Although the devotee-love character is known as bold and fearless, "Alex" he should be more careful about how he treats himself and how he takes care of herself, "said Slefar. "This child is alive and it is his ultimate priority to ensure that they all may be re -combined as family."

The rest of the season is still seen what types of roadblocks will face, but the susce believes that the former Sussex's former counterse will face a reality check during his trip. "He has lived a very convenient life," the Politician Alamam Dr. "I don't think he is quite (understands) the dangers that exist in different regions of the world, so there is a lot of education"

"Fisty Woman" has been "a dream role" for the SHLAPER playing. "Alex aims at what he wants and she is very strong", "she said OursThe "He is very sheltered, but he is a determined determined, and we see more of it in 2 seasons."

In real life, Alex inspired Slefar - who joked that "one day I fled to Africa with a man I fell in love" - ​​to follow her own dreams: Actress came to Montana after falling in love Taylor SheridanIts legendary cowboy campThe

He explained, "I was feeling so inspired by Alex and how he followed his happiness," he explained, he mentioned that he was working in the Big Sky country "so happy". "I (thought), 'Why should I not follow that happiness and jump?'

Now, "I live in a pavement in Montana," he added. "I'm so happy and I never want to quit."

Season 2 1923 Paramount+promotes Sunday.

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