Designer Vivienn Agbakoba Stacey revealed to Russian - it called a fraud and says that he returned the gown with fun!
Viven Antibiotics Keeping Stacy Russian In the explosion, begging for clothing, returning the gowns in a bad condition and expressing him on the basis of their consequences of the truth!
Time Potomak's real housewives Reunion, Vendy Osfo Accused Stacy Russian Something bad designers Ease Claim Stacy Personally called him a contemptible name, which Stacy Been denied. Vendy doubled, with insistence Stacy To comment if asked about VivianWhile Stacy He has saved himself to think "touching" Vivian Had dressed him in a gown earlier wearing Ashley Derby.
Stacy Also argued that he was “developed” Vivian By hiring him as exclusive designer Stroot for stress, Make the alleged shadow unnecessary.
It didn't take long for it Vivian Reunion to catch the air of drama, and he wasted no time to straighten the record. The designer went to social media, put a horror comment in response to Stacy Claim.
“Thanks, GizzelTo ask who has developed. This is confused! Stacy In front of our eyes is rapidly unraveling his deceitful soul, "Vivien writes.
Vivian Went to make complaints Stacy The narrative is to twist, claim that he is the person who begged him for clothing - not in other way. "Stacy I requested me to sponsor his event exclusively, to improve it! - His words. BTW, I have introduced to Stacy Rope Group. He thus thanks me? SMH !! "
And not at all. Vivian Has been called Stacy Out to emphasize wearing Ash It has already been used despite the decoration, alert.
"Lies Stacy Begging me for that dress !!! I originally made custom for that garment Ash For a casual cooperation event. I offer Stacy Another gown (suitable for his event), and he emphasized Ash Decoration Even I showed him a picture Ash This My staff was present during the conversation. "
Then came the most unexpected revelation-Vivienne Claim that Stacy His designer gowns have returned less than a lesser-view.
"Hey, StacyYou have returned to all the gown odor -smelling. SMH. Everyone will soon see your true color. #Fake #foni #fraud #thelies "
Potomak's real housewives Sunday is aired at 8/7 C BravoThe
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Raisa is a content editor at all about tea. He lives in Toronto, Canada and enjoy reading, watching movies, traveling and spending time with family.
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