The drought is over. The sky has opened and sent lavish rain in response to our prayers. With the sky, of course, I think of Lucasfilm and Disney and with rain, I think of the appropriate one, Official Trailer for Andor Season 2. Today is a good day.
More cooler than the narrative trailer, 90 -second editing has a number of pieces of pieces, tons of characters, dancing entertainment in Vachovski, numerous masked Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) and Large performances from "Rogue One" characters Like K-2, Orson Crannick (Ben Mendelssohn), and of course, she saw ERERA (Forrest Whitaker). There are many tuned and many explosions, indicating that the 12 episodes of this season can be even more packed with Season 1 action.
In the interest of random and wild speculation, let's go through some of the iousubopitic moments in the trailer and see what they can tell us about the 2nd "Andor".
1. Is that fighter on a kilo of horseradish?
One scene shown in several different fragmented moments in the Andor Season 2 trailer includes an advanced model of combat points abducted in an imperial hanger. Anyway in the cockpit, it quickly begins to record the close composition of the storm with the laser cannons of ships. For more random fans, the nearest visual comparison is probably the ship's kilo of horseradish in the trilogy of "Starwells War", called Tie Silencer. Long, angular wings and meat cockpit are also design elements shared between the two. It also looks similar to Tie Advanced on Darth Wed.
In reality, this is more likely the first canonical look of the Tie Avenger screen, the model best known for its role in the old EU video game "War on the Starvers: Tie Fighter". The appearance is basically the same, and it would make sense, as the retaliatory was conceived as a far more dangerous tie variant with added features such as deflector shields and hyperardrive. It will do a valuable goal to steal Cassian or another rebel agent, just like the characters in "Rebels of Starwells War" Pass numerous episodes trying to dismantle the tie -off project.
2. What happened in the GEERA viewing base?
One of the longest uninterrupted shots in the new trailer "Andor" shows a few x-crillers and another larger ship that goes down from what seems like Saw the hidden rebel base of ERERA From Andor Season 1. Especially the X-crilly seems to carry the color schemes seen in those previous episodes. In the impact, you can also see a dead body lying at the entrance to the base. So what's going on here?
The first natural assumption would be that the base was a raid, but the ships seem to be undressed. There is no storm in sight. Then it is also possible, which was seen to be the man responsible for the dead body. He is not trying to double agents, spies or traitors of any kind, and we could see the consequences here at a tense encounter with rebels.
3. The party scene is probably the wedding of Mont Motma's daughter on Chandrila
Amidst all the explosions, firefighters and hyperpost jumps, the Andor Trailer Season 2 continues to diminish to the colorful party attended by the Mont Motma (Evneevi O'Reili). And while this scene may seem to be a happier moment than what is seen in other shots, it is probably similar.
The The end of Andor's season 1Mon Motma is forced in an impossible position. The imperial revision will reveal its use of family funds to arm the insurgency, so that by the order of old friend and colleague Chandrilan Tay Colma (Ben Miles), she calls on the aid of Davo Sculptudun (Richard Dylan) a banker of a more criminal variety. In exchange to help the MES hide his financial details of the empire, he is seeking to be allowed to bring his teenage son to meet her daughter Laida (Bronte Carmihael). The implication is Chandilan's custom of a contractual marriage, which the MES initially rejects. However, it is clear by the end of the season that she is not with the statement.
This party is probably either the Laida wedding or another event tied to her engagement. It would not be appropriate for the Senator as a MES to participate in such a huge ceremony for just anything The reason, but if it is part of Chandilan's long -standing traditions, it will explain it.
4. Brass and Bix are hiding on a farm
We do not look at the Ferix survivors in the Andor Season 2 trailer, but Bix (Adria Arjona) and Brasso (Opoplin Sibatin) appear very short. Both seem to be hiding on a planet or moon with arable agriculture. One possibility is Fresno, the moon where the Aldani Heist crew sought medical help for their fallen friend Caris Nask (Alex Lotter) in Season 1. As well as the location that looked at this trailer, the Doctor Quadapav operating theater was frozen. Bix and Brasso may have fled there after the Ferix massacre.
Wherever they are, the empire seems to have found them. The trailer shows that Brasso is struggling to escape the team of Stormtroopers, and we also see that Cassian flies low above arable land and fired a rocket from his ship in imperial transport. Hopefully, everyone is doing it again, but since Andor worked in the past, it wouldn't be so sure.
5. Who are those guys in the armor of Stormtrooper without helmets?
A short shot in the Anddor trailer in season 2 shows a team of how the Stormropperpers looks like without helmets, advancing in the hallway with a weapon. Who are these supposed imperial commandos? Their armor, though very similar to that of normal storm, is different and specialized. It is likely that these are field agents of the Imperial Security Bureau or Isb, where Dedra Merrero (Dennis Goff) works.
Andor Season 1 mainly shows the ISB office, but has more active, militaristic wings, as seen in other stories "War of Starvers" as "rebels". The trailer's armor in season 2 is a little different from what the ISB operatives carried in the past, but the "rebels" are an anime show, so some cosmetic differences would be understandable.
6. Cyril Carn is in an imperial object, but without an imperial uniform
One shot we see at King Insel and premium sad boy Cyril Carn (Kyle Soller) in the Andor Season 2 trailer shows how to run out of what seems to be an imperial building. He always wanted to work for the Empire with the big boys fascists, and after saving Dedra in the final of Season 1, he might get his desire.
What is interesting, however, is that Cyril seems to wear the same kind of municipal uniform of a drab suit and a space tie that it carries in season 1, rather than a real imperial uniform. So what is he doing in this facility? Work as a consultant, maybe, or just for an interview?
7. Cassian is in Koruskant, but why?
Season 2 Anddor "will cover a four-year span leading to the beginning of" Rogue One ". As such, it will show Cassian in many different situations and we will get a pretty good look at his different masked trailer. One of the main places we see in the footage looks like a corostant, but what could he do there so close to the center of imperial power?
There may be a million answers, but it is worth noting that Mont Motma and Luten Rael (Stellan Scarsgard) already have their own networks on operatives mounted on the planet. Casian is there suggesting something bigger is happening, and it can have to do with the Mont Motma itself.
In season 3 "Starwells War", MES gives a fiery speech during the imperial Senate session, calling the emperor dictator. Then it runs away with the help of rebel agents (especially without her family). One shot in the trailer seems to show Orson Krnnick as talking to the MES, suggesting that he is on it. Can Cassian be part of the plot to take her away from the Koruskant and safely in the protection of rebels? It seems probably.
"Andor" Season 2 Disney+ Prime Ministers on April 22.
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