Terry And Heather Have shared a short update Teddy melanecamp He is after surgery to remove brain tumors.
Talking From TMZ Saturday, February 22, this couple shared that the subjects show "positive" at the moment Beverly Hill Real Housewives Alam.
"Okay, obviously any information about Teddy will be given by his family but what we know is that we have heard some good news today, which we are really happy and we are sending all our wishes and thoughts on Teddy and his family," Heather, 56, told the outlet.
Although the couple did not specify the current state of the melanecamp, the things that were going on as well as the seriousness of the Terry situation echoed the feeling they were growing.
"What we know is that he is very brave. And we heard that he turned a bit to the corner, "Terry, 66 66, he also said:" So it's very ... I think very positive right now. Things are definitely looking, we understand. "
Melancamp, 43, publicly Reveal the war of his health Earlier this month, the physicians who were divided through his Instagram that he was going through the surgery of the brain after the tumor was found.
"For the past several weeks I have been working with severe weak headaches," the Melancamp, wrote on February 12. "The pain was unbearable and the necessary hospital was admitted yesterday."
He explained that after receiving CT scan and MRI, "Physicians found multiple tumors in my brain, which they believe that it has been growing for at least 6 months."

In the post, the melanecamp added that two tumors are being removed in surgery on the same day, others will be dealt with later.
The Melanecamp writes, "The rest of the small tumors will be dealt with by radiation on the next date."
Melin Edwin Aeroyev And their kids have been in favor of the reality TV star throughout their health war. (Melancamp 5 years after the wedding, in November 2021, they divided the children's slate, 12, cruise, 10 and dov, 4, from Aeroyev in November 2021. Melancamp is also an honest mother of Aroyev's elder daughter Isabella from the previous relationship.)
47 -year -old Aeroyev Posting Several updates About the health of Melancamp, including the manifestation of it He is “out of gratitude” After surgery in the brain tumor.
"Our family is grateful for everyone for your continued prayer and greetings," Arwov wrote through Instagram on Monday, February 17.
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