Why Steven Spielberg couldn't direct the man from the rain

When you are one of the biggest filmmakers in the history of the film, the launch of the project becomes the usual occurrence. This was one of the challenges Steven Spielberg faced when, after much sightseeing, he had to set aside the "rain man" in favor of another major project in the works. The 1988 film starring Dustin Hoffman And Tom Cruise He is considered one of the best films in both of their careers - the one to which Spielberg devoted considerable time before conveying to another director. While Barry Levinson told the story of Charlie Babit (Cruz) uniting with his alienated and autistic brother, Raymond (Hoffman), Steven Spielberg was excluded to another adventure with a whirlwind with one of his favorite heroes of the cinema.

Chronic in Brent Sky and Leicester D. Friedman "Steven Spielberg: Interviews, Revised and Updated", the Oscar -winning director explained why he had to split with a film that would eventually earn the statues of Hoffman and Levinson glossy golden statues about their contributions. "With a" rain man ", I spent almost half a year developing it with Dustin, Tom Cruise and (writer) Ron Bass," Spielberg explained. "I was constantly trying to get the script to be better and better while I had a stopping date on January 12, at what time I would have to start. Unfortunately, as time went down, decisions were to be made and commitments were to be honored, which was a priority before Spielberg's collaboration with two of Hollywood's biggest stars.

Promise for George Lucas and Indiana Onesons has stopped Spielberg to direct a man of rain

After building one of the most iconic franchises so far, it made sense for Steven Spielberg to pay attention to things when the third installment appeared. Since 1977, the director has followed George Lucas at every step in flying the Indiana Onesons world, leaving him in front of Indiana Onesons and the last crusade "was not an option, even in the case of" rain man ", where he contributed so much.

"When I saw that I was going to January 12th and I would have to withdraw from" Indy 3 ", the promise I made to George was more important than making a" rain man ", Spielberg revealed. "So, with great regret, because I really wanted to work with Dustin and Tom, I pulled out of the movie." It was not a huge loss for the director. At that time, it was the second most successful film in the franchise after "Indiana Ons: Thieves of the lost casket" and what even /The film considers the second best movie in the series. However, he has not yet prevented Spielberg from asking: "What if?" When the awards season rolled around, and Rain Man received an impressive amount of praise that the director missed. The truth is, however, Spielberg believed that if he were part of the project, "rain man" might not have been mentioned.

Steven Spielberg believes that the rain man would not succeed with his name

Many projects have crossed the Bureau of Steven Spielberg, but he seemed almost facilitated that the "rain man" was the one who slipped. In 1990 Interview with "Film '90", He admitted that while he felt a little envy of Oscar's victory at Sonnicfield, he thought he might not have been considered whether his name was on the poster.

"I have a very strange relationship with Hollywood and practically speaking if my name was on" Rain Man "shot, which made Barry, just my name was replaced by his, probably in my heart, Don" Even if I think I was nominated As a director of that film, "the director theorized. "And I'm not sure he'll win so many awards."

Wouldee spent eight more years before Spielberg returned home with not only one, but with two awards from the Academy for the "List of Schindler" after being nominated five times to that moment. Who can say if you would receive it before? In any case, let's not divide the toothpicks over this and be grateful for the "Rain Man" version we didn't get and the desired Indy Trickel we made.

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