Why David Danman's Roy Anderson left the office

When it comes to the types of characters the actor can play, there are several roles more ungrateful than the bad choice in a trianglebed triangle. The first few seasons of the "office" focused a lot on the Pam that had to choose between her sweet associate Jimim and her rude fiancé Roy, but I don't think no viewer is actually rooting for Roy. While JIMIM Season 3 Girl Karen (Rashida Onesons) There are many defenders in random, there are much less essays there, claiming why Pam had to choose Roy instead.

Roy's actor, David Danman (who also starred in the very underestimated "Britburn"), always a kind knew that this was like going, although the NBC briefly tried to convince him otherwise. As a Hollywood rapporteur explain In the Danman profile in 2019:

"Before what his deadline would be, it was unclear that he would get out of the show. During the three -seasons contract negotiations, Ann -Bi offered the actor a rich contract that would start if he asked he would continue to continue the fourth season.

How the "Office" got rid of Roy

In retrospect, it seems inevitable that Roy would be written outside the show. It was characterized as an unusual, someone who was rough and careless for Pam. He was a disturbing obstacle in the way of two Loversubovers with Starwides. But it is easy to forget that there was a short moment in season 3 (Aka second best season) where it seemed as a viable alternative to Jimim. In Season 3, Roy cleaned his act and began to make a real effort to be a good boy.

By the half -time season, Pam returned with Roy and Jimim seemed happy with Karen and it was unclear how this could change soon. As Danman said, "we would have led that third season, maybe Roy and Pam will come back together."

But then Pam tells Roy about her kiss with Jimim, and Roy reacts by vandalizing the bar and trying to attack Jimim in the workplace. It was a moment when any hint of Pam/Roy Endgeym crashed, and Danman knew it the moment the script read. "At once, Roy was again an idiot," he said. "I went," ah. We will definitely not go back together. '"As he explained further:

"On the same table read, we found out 'The office ' has been collected for three years. All go, 'Oh my God! It's amazing! And I turned to (show) Greg (Daniels) and I go, "I won't be on this, right?" And he goes, 'no. You're not you. Honestly. I need to collect Romeo and Juluiette, and I can't do it with you lurking around. "

Roy left in Season 3 but he will return to triumph

Understandably, the show loved Roy out of the picture. After all, they will continue to do the same with Karen in the premiere of Season 4, which quickly determined that Karen had left his work at the Stranton branch after Jimim broke up with her. Season 4 was a period of honeymoon of JIMIM and PAM, where their young Loveubov seemed as healthy and careless as it was; Holding a swarm or karen, he would kill the vibrations.

Fortunately, Roy will return to the "office" for the occasional story of an episode, most of which found him as a more stable place since we last left him. In his performance in Season 5, he seemed to be mostly about his relationship with Pam, and in the 9 episode "Wedding of Roy", he inexplicably seemed to progress. He will become a sensitive, successful piano -playing man; After the first three seasons they meant that Roy's presence retains Pam, season 9 suddenly raised the idea that Pam might have Roy.

"I found out many times that I came back, (Johnon) Krasinski struggled to make Roy find him around," Danman explained. "He wanted to mix things, create more tension and more conflicts and things." Surely, "Roy's wedding" is one of the tightening of the later episodes of the show, the one that really seems to predict the death of Jimim and Pam's marriage. Roy might no longer be the obstacle that enters the path of Jimim and Pam's romance, but he can still cause problems for them six years on the road.

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