The last moment the Seinfeld Finals has changed the show

It is important to remember that the four leading characters of the popular Sitkom Seinfeld-Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld), Elaine (Iaululia Louis-Dreyfus), George (Asoneyson Alexander) and Kramer (Michael Richards). Most of the plots of Seinfeld episodes arise from their minor complaints, neurotic complaints and unsophisticated discomfort. The central quartet was insensitive, Calow, rough, complacent and weak. They have never been presented as aspirational and even admirable. This spring from the mandate set by the series' co-creators Seinfeld and Larry DavidNamely: the show should not have hugs and no lessons. Nothing was to be done. This was supposed to be Sitkom completely devoid of morality and sentimentality.

As such, it had the perfect sense for Starvala's characters to stop the show in prison. In the two -part final, called the "Final" (14.05.1998), four of them witnessed a man who argued on a rifle and choose to ridicule the victim's weight rather than help. Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer have been arrested under a good Samaritan law that will require them to help the citizen in which they need.

At their trial, the four will have to face more witnesses of characters against the people they have met through the "nine seasons of Seinfeld" - who have set the depths of their selfishness and indifference. They will all be found guilty and convicted. The last scene of the series was on jerryers performing a stand-up routine behind bars. They did not learn lessons and distributed hugs.

It seems that the original plan for the "final" was to see George, Elaine, Jerryerers and Kramer locked in a prison cell with a conversation with the buttons. A meaningless conversation to put an end to the show about nothing. It wasn't until Seinfeld himself had a better idea that the last scene was moved to the prison. Seinfeld talked about his idea of ​​the Seinfeld Season 9 DVD -Kui.

Seinfeld is coming full round

The senseless conversation about the buttons, by the way, is the same conversation that the show started in its premiere, nine seasons earlier. The jerryers notes that the number of buttons they fasten to the shirt can make or break it. Georgeorge commented that they had previously discussed. There is no song for laughter. Their lives are meaningless, but there was a sentimental element of it; Talks will continue. They still have each other, and their weird will continue forever.

Seinfeld thought it was not a good enough end to the show, though. Seinfeld episodes were foreseen at a loose premise that the daily adventures of the main characters served as an inspiration for the stand-ups of Jerryryeri. Stand-up was really the foundation of the series. As such, Seinfeld felt that the series should end with him on stage, as he was usually seen throughout the play. Writers Max Pros and Tom Gamil thought the secondary end was more suitable for the series. After all, these were selfish, terrible people. Asoneyson Alexander agreed, feeling that Georgeorje should especially end up in jail.

It may be ironic that the "final" was not a widely beloved From Seinfeld fans. Indeed, /the movie even noticed that It was the worst episode of the show. The jokes were not so common, and most of the episode lived aggressively on the deficiencies of protagonists to a nearly cruel degree. It can be argued that it is not necessary to punish Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer at the end of Seinfeld, as they often entered cosmic penalties and discomfort as a direct result of their actions. In the end, even Seinfeld expressed regret, saying the characters were to be released.

But then, in a meaningless series of horrible people who never learn lessons, throwing them into jail - and seeing that the experience left them unchanged - it was a kind of perfect.

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