Celebrity monuments fascinate readers with glitz, glamor and events in the end. However In fact They did themselves?
This was the correct question Kayla S. Nashville asked in a recent installment of inquiry Ours In Latest issue Our weeklyNow in Newsstands: How many times do celebrities use Ghost Writer to reminisce?
OK, Truth: Often!
“It's hard to write a book! So if a famous person - meaning, is famous for anything other than to be a writer - puts a book, but the possibilities are high that they helped them, " Lisa DickyGhost writer of more than 20 titles including New York Times Bestsellers like Patrick And Lisa Peninsula'S The time of my life And Gene'S Happy accidentHas been said Our weeklyThe “There are some celebrities who write their own books only with the help of their editor. But this is definitely an exception to the rules. "
A few stars, as MatthewChoose to write their memoirs single - "I think I will write a book / a word about my life. / I wondering who I will curse / joy and feud?" Read the actor's Future 1989 poem that opens the novel 2020 in the title Greenlights - But mostly listen to a cow man and share the bayeline or call a ghost writer.

"If you are curious that a ghost writer helped in a particular book, flip only to recognition," added Dicky. “Many celebrities directly thank the ghost for helping to write it. Even those who do not spell it so clearly often thank someone for 'finding my voice' or 'to help you get the word on the page.'
But do not make the mistake: The process of working with the ghost author is much more involved than only a diary handoff.
"It's like falling in love sometimes," ghostwriter TomlinsonWho wrote more than 20 books including five Now Bestsellers, said Ours The process of looking for the right author for work. "This is a really strong connection of a shared humor, shared sensitivity or even a shared life experience that combines you."
Tomlinson usually brings the process behind the life of the ghost writing in his 2024 fiction novel, MidnightWhich follows Ghost Marie when he navigates to write about the legacy of the legendary rock band.
Tomlinson - who started his career as a music journalist - he said, "I often compare what I do to be an engineer or producer at the Recording Studio." "Of course, a band or songwriter has incredible talents with music and they may have the entire album written, but they need anyone in the studio to help them realize it and make it as beautiful as possible. I often think of such a ghost writer. "
Tomlinson's latest title, EdgeWas co-written with the legendary actor Rush tamblinThe He believes "This is a special call for writing a book," and celebrities have many ways to use their influence to earn money, who are forced to tell their story "feel it strongly with a very sight."

Whether it's long weekends or several years together, Tomlinson says he can "very closely" his celebrity clients "very closely".
Added to Dickie: "I did all kinds of work with my clients: riding on horseback, chanting Buddhist mantras, flying on private planes, going to church, participating in court cases, traveling to their city. I have read the diaries through photo albums I have shared solid stories on Martinis, proposing to hug when they shouted, and this is the best of the personal, personal, and is the best. Writing the book and telling their stories in their voices exactly the way they told them in their service. "
The ghosts were truthful with their nicknames, hiding in the shadow of the curtains of the bestsellers, the culture is changing. Gitzist Prince Harry'S Excessive (Junior mooring), Demi Moore'S Inside (Ariel Levi) And Britney Spears' The woman in me (Report Ginger, Sam Lansky And Luke Dempse) They are becoming Buddhist celebrities.
"There was a fun moment a few years ago, when my wife was standing in line to get on a flight," Dicky recalled OursThe “Some boys were talking Other AgasiIts reminiscent, OpenWhich today was written by the most famous ghost author (Mohringar). A man says to another, 'Man, that's not right! Agassi is a great tennis player, and he is also a really good writer? 'He just turned his eyes. "
He also said: “It was really nice to see this realization change in recent years. If you want to build a house you will not be embarrassed about the appointment of an architect? Why should you be embarrassed about the appointment of a professional author to help you write a book? "
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