Was Seinfeld improvised? Here's the truth

There is no more rigid formal television genre than the sitcom. During a solid telescopic span of 22 minutes, writers must introduce, escalate and resolve the situation as long as they give the audience the stomach that hopes to see the show's meeting. They usually have only one week from a table read to the recording, which leaves little space for adjustments, but a little in the way of experimentation. Everything should be on the site.

Even for a show like Seinfeld, Where did the cast maintain a high degree of spontaneity during each episode? Where does it seem that the abrupt entrances of Kramer (Michael Richards) throw all the gravity of the Jerryi Seinfeld apartment? Where do the signatures of Elaine (Iaulia Louis-Dreyfus) feel that feel like they go out of nowhere? Where Bentter takes so many unpredictable twists and turns that the actors seem to be constantly out of guard?

If you are not aware of how Sitcom's production works, it may be difficult for you to believe that the extremely talented FAB four at Seinfeld did not improvise on the occasion of keeping things fresh or sending a scene to climb to the top (like Kramer grabbing the baby from Mohel in Season episode 5 "Brice"). Many years ago, Seinfeld himself was asked about improvisation in the sitcom that his name was named, and his answer may surprise you.

Seinfeld was predominantly sitcom without improvisation

During Reddit Ama in 2014Seinfeld revealed that almost everything you saw during nine seasons at Seinfeld. According to the legend of the comedy:

"We have improvised virtually nothing, as it is. .

Television writers did not get enough shine in the 1990s (ie. Pre-TV TV eraWhen ordinary television fans discovered the existence of a show -shows), but most Seinfeld fans are now aware of the phenomenal funny people who have called such a spectacular Bant. You just couldn't miss the writing staff who, along with Seinfeld and Larry David, included people like Carol Lefer, Peter Mehlman, Alec Berg, Effef Shafer and David Mandel.

This does not mean that the actors did not add their own blooms. Kramer's entrances became little, after Richards was late in the episode of the season 1 "Robbery", while Elaine's shovels were transferred to a series of Louis-Drayfus to Peychant to make his boyfriend's friends hear incredible or simply surprising news. The show's writers also made the last minute adjustments, the most famous is the Kiss Line by Jerry's Khan-Bin Anchor (Terry Hutter) in the episode of the 4 "Implant". According to Hutter (as she said Vanity fair In 2014), David fed the line "They are real, and they are spectacular" just before filming. Obviously, everyone at Seinfeld was fast on his feet, but when it comes to delivering verbal products, they almost always cling to the script.

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