For those with Hollywood dreams, whether they act in films or direct them, their biggest aspiration may be to win an Oscar. "The winner of the Academy Award" would be forever attached to their name, and probably the doors will be opened in their careers that have never opened before.
While the Oscars certainly recognize performers and directors for their exceptional talents and put them in class above the others, they also expect high expectations. After the victory, there will always be pressure to live up to that title, which can be impossible to achieve again. This is part of the dreaded "Oscar curse". What is happening After Did you achieve the greatest honor in Hollywood?
Oscar's campaigns and victories can be as a story as the films themselves. Hollywood's publicity machine turns a specific narrative to help the artist win the desired award - the higher the stakes or the more cultural influence, the better. There is a long delayed triumph of Martin Scorsese for "The Depared", young actors who are nominated for breakthroughs, such as Anna Pakin, Tatum O'Neal and Kvenzane Wolis, UN Celebration of McConasanceWhere Matthew McConaughey got rid of his romantic traps of comedy about more serious plays. And while these Oscar winners are often cordial to watch, what is often considered the ultimate goal of a career is actually just the beginning of a new phase, one that can be a blessing or curse. There are many different types of Oscar curses that, unfortunately, can be very realistic for many artists.
The curse of the fall after an Oscar
The most famous Oscar curse is when actors or directors experience their career after their victory, or disappear from Hollywood together. One of the most serious examples is Cuba Gooding Runior, who has failed to use his best accompanying acting victory to play a bigger athlete than his life in Jerry Maguier. Since then he has appeared in films with genres at the bottom of a barrel, such as "snow dogs", "Radio" and "Norbit", and took many years before appearing on the radar of pop culture like Simpson in "American Criminal Story : People against OJ Simpson. "
After soft shoes he was moving in the hearts of Oscar voters as a weak quiet film Starwar in "The Artist" and beating the best actor, Jeanan Duardin has never found a solid foundation in Hollywood. Despite making the Oscars history for "Monster Ball" As the first black woman to win the best actress, Halle Barry was in a series of Midini plays and struggled to find a blockbuster success in leading roles: "Catwoman" was a significant disaster, and her performances in franchises as "X-Men" and Johnon Wick were in accompanying capacities.
Directors are not immune to the curse. While also an actor, Kevin Costner won the best director for his convincing romance "Dance with Wolves". However, he could never replicate that epic magnificence in his subsequent dystopian films, The "Postman", who has almost completed his careerAnd The Waterworld box office bomb. The first part of his multi-section West, "Horizon: American Saga" was also Flop, pale imitation of better films than the most celebrated day of the genre.
And Tom Houper won the best director for his exciting "king's speech", which shows King George VI by overcoming his stutter with such intimacy and compassion. However, he followed his victory with the Les Misrables' troubles, the wrong shows of the Trans Experience in the "Danish Girl", and the "cats" nightmare of "cats".
The curse of the reaction
The best picture is the toughest Oscars award, a selection designed to cover the best year of release and the ZeTeistist in some way. The biggest award of the night is also the biggest goal for kinefiles if they are not satisfied with the result. On its own, many of these films can be considered fine or acceptable, but when branded as "the best picture", they are naturally more appropriate.
One of the most controversial controversy is the sexy romance "Shakespeare in Loveube" that won over the epic of Steven Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan" at the beginning of D-Day, with its handmade methods of recording and blood that separates the camera. "The accident" in 2005 has received a similar reaction in decades since then criticized as a saturated drama with tricky use of slow movement and racial stereotypes, and turned to victory over the heart of Ang Lee "Brook Mountain", which attracted unfair controversy to be Gay romance.
There was a similar blow to the victory of the best picture "Green Book" in 2019, which led to The fellow citizen Spike was in disgust. His film "Blackklansman" and "Black Panther" by Ryan Kogller were also nominated; Two films made by black men who spilled their passion and intense perspectives in stories of black heroes and history were thrown away in favor of a white-man narrative, directed by White Man, Peter Farelli, who is primarily known for harsh comedies like rude comedies "Stupid and Damber." Many movies suffer from this curse of reaction - some justifiably so, some do not. In any case, if the film wins the best picture that most of the kinefiles disagree, expect his legacy to become complicated very quickly.
The curse of being overdue
"It's just a nominee," many celebrities say, and though it's certainly true, we imagine it can be frustrating to constantly receive nominations, but never to win.
Glenn Clos has been nominated eight times for the best actress and the best actress, recently for Hilbili Elegia, but she has never won. Amy Adams is nominated six times, but her career continues to fall apart with every new release, from The messy and wrong adaptation "Dear Evan Hansen" to Uncomfortable, "night panel" teeth. It seems that she simply cannot find a project that will bring her back to that Oscar level.
Then there is the curse of being nominated too little times. Tony Collett was nominated for a "sixth sense" in 1999, but was criminally neglected for "inherited". Horror had a surprisingly strong presence in Oscar nominations in 2025Especially with the bloodstream of coral "substance" and is a shame that in previous years the genre was not so recognized by the Academy. (Collett was also not nominated for her role as a depressed mother in "For Boy.")
And finally, directors can be victims of the so -called Oscars curse. David Fincher has been nominated three times for the best director ("The Curse of Benjamin Button", "Social Network" and "Mank") and has yet to win. It is difficult to believe that authors like Sofia Coppola and Spike Lee are nominated only once for the best director when everyone has such masterful and recognizable styles and incredible filmmakers. But, unfortunately, this is not surprising, given the difficult battle, women and people with color face providing nominations - a struggle that I hope will continue to improve every year. To get closer so close, but you never achieve your goal may be the worst curse of all.
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