Here's something that won't surprise anyone. The "Office" was, is and will continue to be a popular show. Widely considered one of (if not) the best television shows since the early 21st century. Brought us Smorgasboard on classic episodesand nbc continues to make them even better (or at least more comfortable) through its episode in Superfan Re -release.
Although it is easy to remember iconic installments, such as "stress relief" and "dinner", what are the worst moments? With a show this popular and highly appreciated, what do the lowest look like? There are many ways to categorize the "worst episode" for a play. However, one of the tried and real favorites is IMDB. Access to the database of the Internet film facilitates the measurement of the actual reaction of the crowd-and in the "Office" case, one episode is highlighted as the worst rated of all of them: Season 8 Episode 19, "Get a Girl".
Even so, the episode has Midlen 6.3 of the IMDB 10 starved ratings, proving that even at worst, the "office" was watching television. However, this is the least popular moment in the show makes sense. Season 8 is an infamous slow season. Of course there is a case to say The short, inconsistent pilot season is worseBut if you judge 2 to 9 seasons, season 8 is definitely the worst point. Comes to the eve of Michael Scott's tragic departure (yet Steve Karel didn't even want to leave the show), and Scott's size hole leaves the rest of the cast to fight to shine. The show spends the early part of the season 8 slipping until it reaches this episode at low levels 19 in.
What happens in getting the girl?
When you talk about the best episodes, describing the events of the episode is often superfluous. Remember that because, well, it was wonderful. However, when the worst episode, it's easy to slip into the category "I blocked one watch". In case you can't remember what's going on in Nadir Season 8? Here's a quick report.
This is the episode where new regional manager Andy is penetrating his desk and impulsively driving south to get Erin. He finds the reception of the receptionist with his new live employer, Irina, appearing from a box to declare her loveube to her and eventually returns her Ection.
While this is being played out, Nelly Bertram appears at the Stranton office ahead of the collapse of her project in Florida for Saber. Looking at an outdoor chair, she occupies Dwight and Jimim's anxiety (who only witnessed her other exploding project). Robert California is having fun of spontaneity and allows the situation to take place, allowing Nelly to pass the rest of the episode shamelessly passing it to conquer her new team's Eection.
On paper, the episode doesn't sound too bad. He was even directed by actor Dwight Shrut, Rhein Wilson, a fun detail. But the time in the show of the show, the coincidence of Nelly and Robert Shenanigans and the infinite towing "Is they, there is no?" From the romance Andy and Erin led to the original Duv.
What other office episodes are ranked low?
While "Get the Girl" brings the best prize for the worst episode of the "Office", there are others who oppose his average quality. For example, the second episode with the worst ranking is "Welcome to the Fun", which comes at 6.8 Stars. It descends in Season 8, episode 20s Yes, it means it is a direct follow-up for "get the girl". In fact, Season 8 is such a low performer compared to the rest of the series that six of the 10 worst-ranking episodes of the whole show come from his 24-episodic deadline. Here are those 10 lowest moments, the worst to, well, just a little better:
"Take a Girl": Season 8, Episode 19 - 6.3 Starsevils
"Welcome to Fun": Season 8, Episode 20 - 6.8 Starsevils
Roy's "Wedding": Season 9, Episode 2 - 6.9 Stars Velvis
"Andy Antent": Season 9, Episode 3 - 7.1
"Todd Packer": Season 7, Episode 17 - 7.3
"Jumps": Season 8, Episode 5 - 7.3
"War on the Grass": Season 8, Episode 23 - 7.4
"Secretary Day": Season 6, Episode 22 - 7.6
"Pool Party": Season 8, Episode 12 - 7.9
"China": Season 7, Episode 10 - 8.0
A few other things to be noticed here. First, while six of the worst episodes come from Season 8, they are all from the last three seasons of the show. While there are some of the best episodes in that part, also (like Michael's goodbye episode and the series final), it shows that the later stages of the "Office" were a boom or bust at best.
It is also worth noting that this show has never been bombarded. Not only is her worst episode sitting at 6.3 stars - the tenth worst has a rating of 8.0 (rating they would die for which many shows). It has just shown that the "office" has produced a special combination of inspired, relative storytelling stories that has endured for almost a decade and, even at worst, was a fun clock for everyone.
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