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These days, Christopher Nolan is busy with the dominance of box office and drives to a high level The first blockbuster to win the best picture in 20 years. But as early as 2000, he was barely a direct director. With only one self-financed film on his name ("The Next" in 1998), the director finally had a modest budget from an independent film studio and had to work, turning the idea of his brother's brother Athonian in a film.
In the original story of Athonatan, "Memento Mori", a man named Earl suffers from Anterograd Amnesia and uses notes and tattoos to help his future just remember the key information on his life, with the ultimate goal of finding the mystery individual responsible for killing his wife. However, when working on the screenplay adaptation, Christopher Nolan came up with the idea to tell part of the narrative vice versa, securing his film version, "Memento", will be remembered as one of the most innovative films of his era .
"Memento" was sufficiently admitted to create a buzz around Nolan, and the director then climbed one of the most impressive careers of the film in modern times. But it was not just the Nolan brothers who were responsible for the success of Memento. Guywara Guy Pierce is undoubtedly part of the reason she worked as well as that. Indeed, Fun weekly He welcomed "Guy Pierce Performance It's just as indelible as the tattoo ink that covers his body" while Timeout He praised "the work of the ward and of all concerned, especially Pierce".
During Nolan's subsequent filmography, he worked with many same actors in several projects, so it is strange that he never united with the The star of his first proper film. Pierce had previously claimed that the reason he and Nolan had not worked together since Memento Due to Warner Bros. CEO, who did not "get" actor Aussie. But he recently returned these comments after returning the film, replacing them with some far more self -critical claims.
Guy Pierce processed Memento and hated
Guy Pierce's play like Leonard Shelby in "Memento" is, for every actor's fan, surely one of his best performances. To resist the perverted narrative structure of Christopher Nolan, it was certainly a challenge to say at least, but during the film you believe that the insurance salesman with anteride amnesia is every little resolved, but still confused by his condition as it can to expect. However, it seems that Pierce - who recently brought an excellent turnaround The overwhelming triumph that is a "brutalist" - He is not a fan of his work in Memento.
The actor was talking Times And he withdrew from his previous comments about the Warner Bros. execution, preventing him from working with Nolan. Pierce claimed that he recently returned "Memento" and not only thought he did a bad job in the lead role, but pointed out that his performance was the real reason that he and Nolan had never worked together again. "I have an existential crisis," he said. "The other day I watched" Memento "and I'm still depressed. I'm *** in that movie. "
Pierce continued to explain that he recently participated in Q&A for "Memento" and "decided to watch the film again". He continued: "While playing, I realized that I hate what I did. And so, all these things for execution in Werners are why I haven't worked with Chris again? I'm not good at "Memento".
Guy Pierce really wants to think he hates his job in Memento
It remains unclear whether Guy Pierce's performance really was why he and Christopher Nolan never worked together after Memento, but it seems unlikely. Pierce seems to be the only one with the unwillingness for their own performance, as critics at the time were universally complimentary to the actor. Moreover, the actor had previously remembered how he flew to London to read the role of Ras al -Gul in Nolan "Batman starts" in 2005. Said Starvala "IRONEAL PEOPLE 3" stated Vanity fair"I think it was decided for my flight that I wouldn't be in the movie." Why would Nolan fly to London if he thinks the man has delivered a bad performance in his first official film?
However, Pierce in an interview at the time maintained that his lack of further cooperation with Nolan is his making. But what exactly did he not like to show Leonard Shelby? "I was trying to make Flipsan's attitude, but it was all wrong," the actor said, before it was even more frightening: " Movie, but never be bad in a good movie. " However, I watched "Memento" and I realized that I was bad in a good movie.
Asked if he mentioned any of his "memories" wrong to Nolan, he said:
"No, because I thought he would agree with me. It's funny; People say I should have been nominated for "Memento". Now I understand why I wasn't.
In fact, Nolan is doing no I agree with him. Director deeply praises Pierce's acting in "Memento" in an interview that appears in Tom John 2020's book "Nolan variations."
In 2022, Pierce spoke of /film about his characters, Saying that he focuses on "the internal affairs of the character and making sure he feels sincere". It is clear that he feels that he has not achieved this with Leonard Shelby, but the audience will eventually be a judge on whether he is working or not, and so far, they have supported him loud and clear.
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