Below the bottom of the deck down to the bottom of the recap: Captain Jason shoots sauce chef in a new job

Below Captain Jason of Deck He has secretly dismissed Sauf Antony on the scene after taking a new job
Captain Jason Chambers, Anthony Birds, Tazrina Mass-Ralph Fred Jagueno/Bravo; Fred Jagueno/Bravo; Fred Jagueno/Bravo

New season The bottom of the deck at the bottom The second certificate lost its first crew member before the end of the certificate.

Monday, Feb 17, the Hit Bravo series episode, Jarina Mass-Ralph And Anthony Continue to the head butt in the kitchen. Captain Jason Chambers Try to smooth things The 4 -year -old reminded Tazarina that she was in charge of the chef.

“We have to work together. You have to manage something. This is your category, "he told him," he told him. "Every Galli is full of Igoguli with the chefs. But at the end of the day there is a head chef and a sauce chef. He needs to take action and take control of the line."

Zarina, of course, didn't know how to start refreshing with Antony, 26.

Down Under the biggest drama over the years

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The deck below has a fair portion of the drama for years - and the bottom deck is not different at the bottom. In March 2022, Peacock's premiere spinf show had a memorable impression on the audience when it came about conflicts, bullets and chaos. In the first season, fans and cast the same way (…)

He confessed, "My mind is racing so much about how Anthony is handling him that he is doing what he needs to do and what I need to do," he said in confession. "It's early in the charter season so I need Jason to see that I can manage my own category"

After contacting his sauce chef about the next certificate, Tazina went to plan the menu in her cabin. Anthony It took as a little He packs such provisions and is ready to arrive for the guests for half an hour.

"I don't want to take advantage. I am organizing, I'm keeping the provisions away, I'm guests and crew food and I'm cleaning the galleti. I am doing everything, "he mentioned." I just want to work as a team, is it so hard? "

Jazerina offered to give Antony a break, which she accepted as an insult. He especially told Tazrina that he should lie down "somewhat patron". Captain Jason (1) heard this argument and admitted that he was "keeping an eye on the situation".

In spite of the Tazrina Tried to correct the excitementAnthony began searching for a secret job.

“I feel a bit insulted. I am fighting to go with him, "he explained to a friend on the phone." He is a beggar character and I can't do that. I have to work in a dirty gall Got caught. ”

A text message was sent to another chef from Anthony to another, "Do you know about renting a boat? I don't think it's working here for me." Later, Antony is hesitant to throw shadow into Tazina's cooking in a confession Did not

"I am really delighted to show my cooking style that is tasty modern and is a bit more emotional in it," he shared. "Tazina's cooking with the flowers on top is a bit more basic" "

Where are they now under the bottom of the deck

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Bravo and peacock visitors were for a treat with the premiere underneath the deck below - many stars of the show put a permanent impression. The Spin -off series, which debuted in 2022, was featured below the former in the Mediterranean. Chief Stew Captain Jason Chambers and the rest of the group joined (…)

As she began to completely ignore her orders, Tazrina became disappointed with Anthony. Meanwhile, Anthony had a different point of view.

"At the moment, I'm a bit above it. He is not a great director and if I am truthful I don't respect him as a chef and I don't think that I am being treated like a human being, "He said." So I am ready to leave because I take any of these bulls Can't. "

Season 3 The bottom of the deck at the bottom Re -integrated Jason, Tazrina and colleagues Alam and Dechan Harry Van VotiateThe Newbiz Bosun joined them Wihan du tight, Chief Stew LaraCover Johnny Arvanitis And Adyer Warley And the stuses Bryena Duffield And Marina Marcondes de BarosThe

Jason ultimately told Tazrina that if Anthony was not helpful, he didn't need to put it on the staff, he said, "If it doesn't work for you, why not just move forward?"

He continued: "It is not considered as good as a sauce chef, Antony's arrogance is disrespectful. It doesn't last long. We can only have the wrong sauce chef for Zarina. "

Before May decide About his future, Anthony received another job proposal and told him that he would leave after two more charters. Jessorea took the information to Jason, who was not satisfied with the way the Anthony had operated the situation.

“I tried everything to make him happy. What he did is bitch behind my back and feel me and I am done. I'm tired, "told Jason to Jason. "He said he had just got a job but would do the next two charters for me. I feel like I'm so professional and so calm and understanding and friendly and generous. For me, I want him to go right now. "

Each star dismissed from 'bottom deck' over the years

Related: Each star dismissed from 'bottom deck' over the years

There may be reality TV shows at the bottom of the deck and its spinf series but for the activities of the crew, the ship can be launched and outside can both be the consequences of real life. Over the years, the stars, including Hannah Ferria, Peter Hunjikar and Shane Koopermith, have been dismissed from their respective charters for various reasons. The Mediterranean Hanna (…) underneath the deck

Jason could not agree further About the dismissal of AnthonyThe "He is disrespecting you. He had a very small job with you and now he has one more and he is going to his terms and conditions, "he mentioned before talking to Antony.

“You think the environment is not in your favor and you have a better chance? Jason Sauf told Chef, Jason Sauce told Chef, "I just think it is difficult to find half a season and find another job." "You can go today - this morning. Pack your things there and this is what I manage ”"

Jason Been told before Our weekly Visitors who can expect to shoot two. “I cut some cancer. Earlier this month, he said, since I just cut melanoma, it is not a Pang purpose. "But I get on the top of some things - whether it's finished or not - you have to wait and see."

Jason, despite his hope for this charter season, keeps higher When did the move didn't feel anything Required.

“If you see me in 1 and 2 season I am running all the positivity and the team themselves. I am not here to manage you micro. I came here to help, "He mentioned." Our last goal is to reach a point where we grow up, successful and give guests what they want. It is an easy task to follow, is it? "

The bottom of the deck at the bottom Bravo on Monday at 8 pm ET A Season 3 Premier. The new episodes flow on the peacock the next day.

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