Marvel's original vision for Avengers: Portal scene on Endgame

Name your top scenes from Marvel's film universe and has A few flawless moments That will probably make the list. The fight of Captain America and the Ironeles man in Siberia in Captain America: Civil War is a top option. So is Thor's arrival on Wakanda's battlefields in "Infinite War". If there is a moment in the whole magic of Marvel on the screen that always made fans work in a collective ball of nostalgic emotion, it should still be the famous "Portals" scene at the end of "Avengers: Endgame".

Steve Rogers stands in the middle of the ruins of the "Avengers" complex: beaten, desperate and at the end of the line. Yes, he can do this all day, but the night seems to be approaching. Then, seemingly out of thin air, he hears Sam Wilson's voice. "To the left," says the future Cap - a return call for the first time they met in Captain America: the winter soldier. Music is building, the black panther comes out of the portal, and Sokol screams until the middle of the flight, starting a sequence like no other, as Dr. Oddo opens an infinite number of portals and reconciles the entire army of retaliatory allies on stage. Cap says "Avengers, gather", the crowd goes wild, and the last battle against Tanos is guided.

But that was not always the case. Screenings and directors who developed the iconic moment have found that the portal scene is actually quite different when it is first recorded and edited (something Editor EFFEF Ford hint /movie in a previous interview). It turns out that after only a few months of debates and reshuffles appear in the form of the final version of the spine.

The fight to change the scene of the portals

"Avengers: Endgame" took Incredible collection of minds, talents, schedules and resources to withdraw. While everyone contributed, there were two people in the center of the project from day one: co-directors OEO and Anthony Rousseau. The entire two-part affair of Infinity War and Endgame was their common vision and the one for which they were supposed to fight at times-including its greatest moments. Explain OEO Rousseau in the latest issue of Empire Magazine, "There was probably a debate about the most famous moment, I think, for all Marvel films, which is the portals that open at the end of Avengers: Endgame."

The director continued to explain the original blow did not have to show the heroes coming out of portal managers across one side of the battlefield. It was supposed to focus on Rogers. The camera will revolve around the hat, revealing everyone in the background, collected behind it. They filmed that version first and went into editing, where it started to take place, the dragging struggle for traction whether it was the right way to go on such a huge scene. "I remember struggling with it for months in the decoration room," Rousseau continued. "I won't say who was on the side, but it was a grinder."

In the end, Rousseau explains that he and his brother have finally decided that they will record the second version (which ended in the film) during the remaining part. However, even at that moment, not everyone was consistent. Writer Steven McFaley still thought the original version was working well. But in the end, the decision was to follow the emotional withdrawal of the win stage, and Rousseau was unintentional for the pivot, saying:

"One of the lessons I learned during working with these guys and working with Marvel is logic-logic with emotional-logical.

Regardless of the individual opinions on which version would be "right" for the film, no one can argue with the results. The incredible effort that had to reshape such a Garging scene did not only make the climate of infinity the saga incredible. It turned it into one of the greatest moments in MCC history. "Naf said.

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