There are three categories of people eagerly foresee Mike White's Super Satire Anthology series, "White Lotos". Group A are those who have seen the first two seasons obsessively and rejoice in their mouths asking what the new, unforgettable quote will be "these gay are trying to kill me" that will become their whole personality. Group B are those who like great television and are capable of being normal for it - at least enough to distinguish them from Group A.
But Season 3 has introduced a new category that already has a name - welcome to Blink Party Blink (and/or Lily)! The latest season of White Lotos marks the debut of the international supermitwol and member of Blackpink, born in Thailand, Lalisa Manoban, Aka Lisa. She plays a soft, health mentor for guests at the White Lotos Thailand resort, and sometimes a performer during the usual evening party. During the scenes between her work shifts, Muk is in a very flirtatious friendship with one of the keepers of the resort, Gajnica (Teme Taptimtong).
South Korean culture and Especially K-Pop culture It has become more popular than ever in America, but Lisa's acting debut is A. Huge contract.
For one thing, Lisa is the world's largest K-Pop. But unlike her BlackPink member, Enneni Kim, who appeared on the "idol", Lisa was thrown into a show it becomes Rayo reviews. (For the record, Ennens deserved better than that show and someone should throw it into something new asap). One of the best aspects of "White Lotus" is how often the audience is introduced to the actors who have not been familiar with and immediately become fans' favorites, and Lisa's soft is undoubtedly one of those characters for Season 3. Not only is soft one From the comforting balm of the show for disorderly, sometimes completely weak people, but also allow Lisa to prove that she is truly a triple -threat. Her new album "Alter Ego" can still spend a few weeks, but "White Lotus" is an introduction to those who are no longer on the ship with her work.
What Lisa said about the preparations for the white lotus
In an interview with DiversityLisa said Mac is much like her, but that the character is "flirting and lady-like", contrasting with Lisa to identify more like "Tomboy". Despite the fact that she has been playing for sold -out crowds around the world for years, she has been in battle with her own nervous system on the first day of filming: "I'm so nervous; It got away. I was like, 'I can't remember my ranks.
Fortunately, any of those nerves remained on the floor of the cutting room, as Lisa's performance as an IOC is an incredibly confident debut. There is something so relevant to developing a crush with Gheith, and the chemistry that Lisa has with taptimtong is obvious. It is impossible to follow the two flirting with each other and not take root together until the end of the series. Taptimtong also said that when the cast spends time together to tie after work, they will go out for dinners, drinks or karaoke. However, whenever Taptimtong sang, Lisa will choose to perform a dance routine. She is one of the most famous musicians in the world, but Karaoke is not her job. "I'm just shy when it comes to karaoke," she said. "Being in the back."
The performance of the duo screen is one of the most important sides of the season and it is clear that the two have developed a fantastic report. This is probably due to Lisa's frequent help with her partner in Thailand's talk. Lisa is multilingual (native Thailand, she speaks fluent Korean and English, besides the basic Japanese and Chinese) and often helped Taptimtong with his Thai, such as his second language, but his character never left him, Thailand. "His Thailand must be very local and authentic - it was a great help," Taptimtong told Variety. "I started making the lines in how I speak Thai normally, and they are like," Lisa, can you help? "
Lisa wants to continue acting
While the "White Lotos" was her first time she was referring to a script program, Lisa put an additional acting work in the advantage of her album "Alter Ego". As part of the album theme, Lisa develops five different characters to better represent the songs. There is a deep work with a character included in each person, including personality profiles and special aesthetics. She recently presented the character "Kiki" to promote the song "New Woman" feat. Rosasha. It's much pop-song in the era of y2k, and Music video Even includes flip phones and styling that looks like any cool tumblr gifset that would save to your celebrations. Being able to switch between Lisa, Lisa, Lisa's and Lisa's alter ego is quite impressive and it is clear that some of what she has learned at the "White Lotos" reports to her music career.
"I'm not ashamed of the camera. It was natural to be in front of the camera, "she told Variety. "But of course, I think it's a huge difference between being a singer and being an actor. There are so many things that I have to learn about this acting trip. " Fortunately, Lisa also told "Diversity" that she wanted to continue acting, with dreams to hope that one day she would make an action movie. "I'm a dancer and a artist, she explained." I think I can go through all the routines and make an action movie. "
If the "white lotus" is any indicator, Lisa could absolutely go away with an acting career and really become a crossover crosswar if she chooses. Hopefully, the director watching the HBO series at home will see her potential and throw it into that action movie. Television is great, but Lisa is more than capable of commanding the largest possible screen.
New episodes of "white lotus" every week.
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