Yelojackets' Samantha Hanrati Debanks Popular Misty Fan theory

Samantha Hanrati revealed that no Yelojacts fan theories he likes to do that he hopes that true and more
Kylie Showerman/Paramount+

Yolojackets Lots of fan theory inspires - but which one is true and which popular has become a debank?

With an exclusive interview with Our weekly, Samantha Hanarani Has shared his response Fantasy Surround the Hit Shotime series.

“There's a lot better. We are not only the best fanbest but we have the most clever fanbes. It has been so fun and here is a lot of theory that I really enjoy about this season, "Hanrati (20) is especially shared before pointing the Internet side before pointing before discussing Steven CruyerCharacter, coach Ben Scott. "I don't know if I want to say the theories (for not looting it)."

There is a theory that the air is clearing the air.

“People think Nuha Jess EzmanIts crystals are all part of Misty's imagination. The actress mentioned I just had to debank it because it is not true. “Other people have acknowledged his existence. But I liked the idea of ​​making the whole best friend because he would do it. But yes, no, this cannot be true. "

Hanrati indicates More creative imaginationAdded, "I always enjoy the theories of living in Jackie somehow. I don't know that it is the supernatural aspects of the show, but we are not here Sam and Dean (from the supernatural). But I only see how people combine these puzzles together Enjoy "

Samantha Hanrati yellow jackets broke the highlights and challenges of filming when pregnant 371
Kylie Schwarman/Shotime

The Shotime Series that premiered in 2021 followed by a high school girls' football team Ended in the Canadian trapped in Wildness after the plane crash. The survivors do not return home for 19 months, at which time they are driven to eat each other to survive. Yolojackets Also a timeline of the present time is featured that reproduces surviving people after more than two decades.

The smaller version of Hanrati has played Christina RichieMisty's character from the first season. As a result, he almost saw Each fan theory However, nothing is more than true.

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Lightning lightning! After the launch of Yelojacts Shotime, its audience was quickly immersed in the questions raised in both the past and the current timeline. The show, based on Ashley Lyle and Bert Nickerson, has followed a team of high school Soccer players who are trapped in the desert of Canada after a plane (…)

"There are some theories that people have gathered for this season that is very true. They may be a little away from what happens but like our group chat we shared it around where we shared it, 'oh, s, they are on us' '' Hanrati jokes. ”There's something I think that this is that The season will blow up a lot of people in the season that they are not ready. "

The Hanrati continued: “I love all the pitt girl theory too. One of my favorite theories is Pete Girl is the daughter of Showan, Kali. People think this is not a flashback and it's actually the present day and some flashbacks of it. I love that theory. I'm not going to say if this is true, but I think it's really great. All Pete Girl Theories are great and we will get some answers soon. "

Samantha Hanrati revealed that no Yelojacts fan theories he likes to do that he hopes that true and more
Kylie Schwarman/Shotime

While teasing the season, the Hanrati mentions that there is Will be the main height and lower.

“This is a season of mourning. In my opinion, there's a lot to lose this season and it is definitely the most sensitive season to me, "he shared about how the show came back later Juliet Lewis'Character, Natalie, were killed in the second season. Unfortunately it is not really good from there. In a delicious way, it was a fair season to watch and it was a rough season for the film. "

Yolojackets Paramount+ is available for stream on Friday and Shotime is aired on Sunday at 9am ET.

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