The Office had an impressive series of guest directors during its nine season race. Yey Abrams, Harold Ramis and Jonon Javre - who were accidentally included Actors' original list to play Michael Scott in "Office" - All episodes of the series. Another big name director, which was not brought to the ninth and last season, was Brian Cranston, who overseeing the fourth episode of Season 9, entitled "Working Bus". While the season itself is not a favorite part of the series, Cranston's episode is unforgettable for a very dark reason - namely, to just kill the entire cast of the show.
The "180 episode" series as a whole, "Work bus" saw Dander Miflin staff to leave the office after Jimim (Kron Krasinski) convinced Dwight (Rain Wilson) that the office itself is unsafe. Dwight then carries an airport shuttle -bus as a temporary workspace and the staff flows into the vehicle for what is becoming a disastrous day at work, as they predict the starring quarters too much to cope.
"Working bus" was initially aired on October 18, 2012, and was one of the better installments of season 9. Seasons "Office" Go, the ninth is the point in which the show has lost a lot of the way, but the cranstone episode is a relatively decent effort. If actress Pam Enena Fisher does not enter, however, she may be lowered as one of the most notorious TV episodes of all time. In fact, it almost ended the "office" prematurely for deadly surveillance.
The Brian Cranston office episode was almost the last episode ever
In 2022, Brian Cranston stood from Late show with Steven Colbert and was asked about his one director of the "Office". After being told that the former cast refers to his episode as a "death bus", the Breaking Bad star recalled the shooting experience and how it was almost a complete disaster. As it turns out, the bus itself was extremely hot - not surprisingly given that the show was shot in Los Angeles and the bus was crowded. So, to try these tightening conditions, the crew reinforces the AC unit to the back of the bus pumping into cold air through the moving roof. Unfortunately, they did not notice that, as Cranston recalls, "the cooling system intake was exactly placed to the place where the bus pipe was", which means the exhaust gas the bus.
"Enena Fisher has actually saved everyone's life," Cranston said. "She said:" I smell out of exhaust, it enters the bus. "At the beginning, Cranston - who has ever Got the wheels to get involved in a possible spin-off movie "Office" - He did not believe in Fischer, but as Colbert explained, he eventually went to check the unit itself. "I got a chair and I stopped at something," he said. "I stuck my nose there and of course he went down. It was carbon monoxide. " The actor claimed to have sustained Dizi after entering another sweetheart before realizing: "Oh my God, we could be dead."
Talking to Business Insider At the premiere of his film at the cranston cranstone "Jerryry and Marge Gogh", actor Dwight, Rhein Wilson, remembered the filming, saying: "They did not think about the fact that the exhaust gases would recycle and potentially poison us and knock us out. "Then she joked that Fisher" threw "on her shoes, and that actress Erin Eli Kemper" entered a coma ", adding:" We completely 100% blame Brian Cranston. "
Debacle of the AC unit made a camera operator in the office
In his book "Office BFS: Stories of the office of two best friends who were there" (through Mashable), Fisher and Angela Kinsey, who played by Angela Martin, told their work bus experience by writing Kinsey:
"We want to know that we see the irony that Brian Cranston, Aka Walter White Senior or Haysenberg as it was known in the circles of crystal methamphetamine, was an accessory for almost killing the entire" Office "team. I assure you that this is a pure coincidence. "
According to the book, the bus itself was crowded with not only 14 members of the cast, but four crew members and a whole range of furniture and props. As such, when the AC unit was installed, they were all understandably facilitated. "We were thrilled," Kinsey wrote, "And while we were loaded on the cold, reorganized bus, everyone relaxed and decided to put the morning behind us."
Fisher then remembered that he noticed a "funny scent", in front of the camera's operators, in fact, to feel good before stumbling and lowering the camera. Fortunately, everyone was fine, however, as Fisher said, the cast and the crew were "slowly poisoned" for a short recording period.
It's really a little disturbing to think that one of the most beloved comedies of all time - and the best sitcom of all time according to IMDB - could have ended under real tragic circumstances in what would surely be one of the most uneven to the placed accidents In history. In that sense, we can actually be glad that the nine season is only one of the most uneven seasons in TV history.
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