A brave new world somehow manages to repeat every previous film by Captain America

This article contains spoilers For "Captain America: Brave New World".

Marvel's Chinese universe is in trouble. For the past few years, a series of commercial and critical failures that have put the future of this cinema -experiment in danger. Worse still, it seems that every new Marvel project is filled with apathy and disinterest. With the multivered saga moving to the conclusion, every movie counts and unfortunately, "Captain America: The Brave New World" is not a clear solution to Marvel's problems. This is a safe, forgotten, completely non -political film with nothing to say and to offer a little bit that the "falcon and the winter soldier" was no longer covered. Maybe we never know How much damage did the remaining part of the film do Or whether previous drafts were better, but it's hard to imagine things getting worse than that hit theaters.

In "Brave New World", Captain America, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), now works for President Tadeus Ross (Harrison Ford). After trying to assassinate the president, Sam goes hostile and takes on himself to free his friend, Isaiah Bradley, who was involved in the shooting, slowly revealing a huge plot that threatens to release the world's war in the process. The story is not what to write at home, the villain's plot is unclear, and besides Harrison Ford is a damn film star and the red Hulk is pretty cool, There is little in the new Captain America we haven't seen before.

The worst sin that this film has committed is that it is mostly rehabilitates of previous films Captain America. For a movie about Sam Wilson, who comes independently as a new Captain America and comes out of the shadow of Steve Rogers, "The Brave New World" seems to be very impatient to make you think about the Steve Rogers movies.

Captain America: Old World

From "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", every film starring Captain America played with the tone of the political thriller, which was more for intrigue than pure fantasy and action. "The Brave New World" is no different, but the way it approaches it is not new, as the film is constantly nodded with the "Winter Soldier" and "Civil War".

For example, take the role of Sam Wilson in the film. He goes hostile after his friend Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbi) is imprisoned for his role in trying to assassinate the president and immediately becomes a target of Mannhant - echoing Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) risks everything to find and release his Buddy Baki (Sebastian Stan). As in the "Winter Soldier", this captain America is accompanied by a former member of the Black Widow (Ruth Bat-Screen played by Jera Hass) and reveals a conspiracy that takes over government agents and even washed by a villain.

Wilson's ideological clashes with President Ross on the role of superheroes and the government resonate clashes between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Runior) in the "Civil War", but without the emotional strata of those arguments, nor the research of their consequences. Even Samuel Stern (Tim Blake Nelson) and his unusual plan and backstew feel like an inferior rehab in a plot of revenge against Anti-Agers Zemo (Daniel Brichl) in "Civil War" because of his life being destroyed by those in power .

The wrong way to approach nostalgia

Even in the action, this film is a pale imitation of what happened before. There are whole action scenes that feel completely raised by the "winter soldier", but without its intensity or kinity - especially the attack on Sidowninder (Ianankarlo Esposito) on Sam's pickup, which is quite reminiscent of Baki (Sebastian Stan) That movie that movie that movie that movie. This is not in itself a bad thing. After all, it's Widely considered one of the best films in the whole of MCC. The problem is that the "brave new world" stops nodded and does nothing interesting with them.

For example, take "Cobra Kai". It's a show what's Full of knots and referrals to the "Karate Child" filmsincluding complete lifting of whole scenes. What makes that show different is that every time there is a large whaling of those films, there is to comment on the present. When Miguel won the Championship of all the valleys in Kobrat Cai in a season with the exploitation of an injury in his opponent, the stage echoing the moment "Wipe the Leg" from the original film, it has meaning. The scene shows the audience how the past resonates in the present, and how Nyoni has returned Cobra Kai exactly as it has learned, it means to continue the toxicity in which it has grown. "The Brave New World" can refer to previous films Captain America, but to do so without offering something new - no comment, no recognition of how things are different (or the same) now - it's simple to Take the lazy way and get people to think of a much better movie than the one they see now.

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