Has been a decade Prince Harry Cofouds and turn on Invictus games To assist the injured or injured service workers and elders through sports.
And in a new interview Daily Show with Jez Challars, On Friday, February 8th, Sussex's Duke shared why he believes that the incident is just as important as 11 years after its debut.
"By its appearance, these games may always be needed for Harry Host Chamers, 40 years old." "It was foolish to assume that games would not be needed for more than three years to help everyone behind Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts."
The event continues to grow since the first repetition on March 27, which is featured about 5 contestants from around 5 countries. In 2025, there are 550 people from more than 20 countries who competed Invictus gamesWhich is being held in Vancouver and Whisker from 8 to 16 February.
"I think we have grown in 20 countries now, inevitably, even if your rival countries are in any form of 5 percent conflict, you will need to ... You will need Games," Harry explained.
Duke also added that his biggest concern is to maintain speed and to continue the assistance of service members and women when the physical event is over.

"I think one of the most difficult things is anxiety ... what happens after games?" Harry added. "And we always create this amazing atmosphere that we create, these experiences, these memories we have always talked about what life is created."
Harry, who Serve For 10 years, the participants went to talk about the importance of the community and the camera established in the Invictus Games, in the daily life.
"I am comfortable to know that so many countries have implemented this post-Game program-these moments are able to talk about these moments back together back together PlayerTalk about where you are now and continue that community and that support and network because many of these partners are really concerned, "said Harry.
He continued: “It's an amazing high but everything goes back to what was before? The answer is that I can't promise that it won't be. You can't promise that it won't be and or the people can't do it themselves but we hope this is some new support from the last 10 days and some new support they have achieved and new stories and experiences they were 'part of it now, they are it Will be able to hold on. "
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